Status: Oui. I think this is the century's longest hiatus ever. I apologize. My writers block is kicking me in the ass right now. My apologies. When I think of something I'll update(: Thanksā™„

Love Is The Red, The Rose, On Your Coffin Door


Frank's Point Of View

I woke up facing my window, only to see and hear raindrops pelting the hell out of it. I groaned and rolled over to look at my clock, it read 6:28. I still had almost an hour until my alarm would go off.

I tried to fall back to sleep, but I just couldn't. Too many things were circulating amongst my brain. The first thing that came into my head was from yesterday, Gerard. He stood up for me. It confused me to bits because he never said a word to me, and if he did it was always a thanks or a move out of the way kind of attitude. It's like he was trapped in his own sad little pit of darkness that nobody could break through. I wanted to understand so I could talk to him and maybe go out with him, but hell, he isn't gay. Atleast that's what I think and know as far as facts about him go.

But anyways, like I was saying. I was again about to be bullied by 4 jocks on the damn football team. As usual, those meat heads have nothing else better to fucking do but screw with kids like me. They were approaching me ever so slowly and looked like they were going to bash my head in. Truthfully, I have no damn clue how they ever found out I was gay because I never told a soul except for my mom and dad, who seemed completely fine with it. They just told me it's okay because we can't help who we fall in love with. So yeah.

Again I got off topic, sorry. Like I was saying. When they were about to come and bash me up Gerard came infront of me and was swearing like a sailor. I can basically remember it all.

Flashback to yesterday

"Hey little midget boy! Who are you going to go fuck with tonight!" The rest of the jocks pack laughed behind him.

"Just leave me alone...I didn't do anything to you guys so fuck off!" I raised my voice at them and they just looked at me with a shocked face.

"Sorry little fag, you don't talk to us that way!" He grabbed my collar and pulled me close to him. Our faces were inches apart. "Got it fag!?" He spat at me.

"What the fuck you stupid fucking jocks get the fuck off of him and let him go! He didn't do shit to you so I don't know what the fuck your problem is! You're lucky gay kids don't bash the fuck out of you straight kids!" Gerard spat in one of the jocks faces. The jock let go of me.

"Who the hell do you fucking think you are bitch?" He glared straight at Gerard as I backed up and stood by Gerard.

"Uh, well last time I checked I was Gerard fucking Way bitch! So back the fuck up and get the hell out of my damn face!" Gerard punched the jock in the face as he fell to the ground.

"What the fuck, physicotic fucking emo bitch!" One of the jocks took a stand to Gerard as the other two helped up the guy who got slapped.

"You want to get punched twice as hard as your little "friend" here?" Gerard spat at the jock.

"Your messing with the wrong guy Way!" The guy took a swing at Gerard but he ducked and stood back up quickly and pushed the guy back at the locks and put his hands around his neck.

"You dare even fucking come near Frank or I again, and you will get your shit fucking murdered. Got it bitch?" Gerard glared as his eyes turned into a deep brown to almost black. It kind of scared me.

"Y-y-yeah Gerard...G-got it." Gerard let the boy free as they all walked away as they thought they were the fucking shit and just beat us. Not.

"Uh, I don't know how to thank you Gerard." I said my voice quivering as I looked into Gerard's eyes. They changed back to there normal color again. That was odd.
"Uh, yeah it was no problem don't sweat it Frankie." He smiled and walked away nervously.

Er, he called me Frankie. And we never even spoke before. And wait, why did he all of a sudden want to help me? That confused me a bit. But you know it's whatever. Maybe we can end up talking. Maybe I can get him to come out of that little box he tends to stay in.

Back to reality now Frank. Well but basically yeah, see why I'm kind of confused? I still question as to why he even called me Frankie. At that, even fucking came to save me!

The other thing I wonder about is why on earth did his eyes change like that? Again brings me back to that thought of wondering if there was even a such thing as vampires. If he was a vampire.

I guess you can see how, he basically almost killed that guy and punched that jock squarely in the face pretty hard. I'll be surprised if his jaw didn't break after that blow.

But anyways, I now realized I was daydreaming for almost an hour and my alarm was about to go off. So I just shut it off, and walked into my closet and grabbed some clothes to change into. I walked to my bathroom and took my shower quickly, got out and changed into my black skinny jeans, Black Flag t-shirt and threw on my red converse. I dried my hair then straightened it making sure I looked perfect today, just in case I saw Gerard. I soon walked down my stairway and saw my mother talking on the phone to someone from work I suppose as she was making pancakes.

I wasn't all that hungry today so I just gave her the usual signal that I'm not hungry, grabbed my bag and books for school and headed out the door. I stood on my porch for a few minutes waiting for the rain to let up so I could run to my car. As it did, I unlocked the doors and hopped it. I started up my vehicle and headed off to hell, also known as school. Where they say you get a firm and good education and enjoy time with friends. Aha, funny, that's bullshit. It was the complete opposite for me.

I drove my way to school and as I got there, I pulled into the parking lot and sat under the usual tree with the bench and waited for my friend Caleb to show up.

Caleb was just like me, almost just dressed like me. We have been friends since freshman year, and have stayed pretty strong friends. We were both pretty much outcasts. He always hit it off with every girl he met, and wondered why I didn't. Of course, I didn't tell him I'm gay but I think he picked up on it after a bit of time passed by.

I looked past the trees as I saw Caleb running, trying to stay dry from the rain. He stood out so damn much with his bright purple skinny jeans on. I waved at him and ran up to him to go and help him with his things so he could run faster. We got under the tree and I gave him a welcoming hug. As I did so, I looked passed Caleb's shoulder and saw a sneering Gerard glaring at us hugging. Jealous? Or was there something about Caleb he just didn't like at all?

Who fucking knows. This is Gerard we are talking about.
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I hoped u like this chapter :D! i really tink im going to love writing for this one :]!

i think im going to blow off my other story because i kinda just came up with this really good idea for this frerard :]! i have it all planned out :D!