Status: Oui. I think this is the century's longest hiatus ever. I apologize. My writers block is kicking me in the ass right now. My apologies. When I think of something I'll update(: Thanksā™„

Love Is The Red, The Rose, On Your Coffin Door

Invincible, Safe, and Loved

Frank's Point Of View

"Frankie. Wake up hun. We have to go to school soon." I heard Gee say as he nudged me gently to wake me.

"Hmmm...Gee." I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, then looked at the beautiful man sitting next to me. I smiled.

"Good morning my lovely Frankie!" Gee stated closing the gab between our faces pretty quickly and pecked me on the lips. I giggled.

"Good morning my beautiful Gee!" I smiled returning the peck to him. He smiled at me.

"So how was your sleep Frankie?" Gee asked me still smiling at me. It was kind of creeping me out a little bit..

"It was good, because I fell asleep with you holding onto me." I said giving Gee a hug and smiling at him.

"Aw, my Frankie is so sweet!" Gee said pulling me close to him and kissing me passionately. He gently pushed me back and straddled me. We sat and or laid there just making out for a few minutes and finished.

"Okay we need to get ready for school, sexy time can be later." I looked at Gee and started cracking up and he just gave me a glare smirk kind of thing.

"Don't laugh at the name for sexy time as sexy time Frankie!" He said poking my sides making me laugh more. "I'll get you back for it later anyways..." He trailed off smirking at me.

"By doing what?" I stopped laughing after that and wanted to know what he would do to get me back.

"You'll find out soon enough!" He said laughing. "But anyways," Gee continued. "We should take showers, get ready and what not. That kind of thing." I nodded as he continued. "Okay so, you can use my en suite bathroom to take a shower, and I will go upstairs and take a shower. When you're done, just walk upstairs and wait in the living room unless I'm already there. Then we can leave in your car, and then go hang around outside until it's time to go into school. Sound fine to you?" I nodded.

"But wait Gee," I said pointing to the small window that only let sunlight into his room, "it's kind of raining today. We're going to get soaked."

"Oh no, we might get soaked!" Gee said in a sarcastic manor. "Big deal Frankie, we get hit by raindrops, I'd only be worried if you would melt. I don't think you're the Wicked Wtch of the West from The Wizard Of Oz." He stifled a laugh after he had said that, causing me to giggle and nudge him slightly. "Okay so go get ready, I'll head upstairs. There is a towel on my desk for you to use. I'll see you soon." Gee pecked me on the lips and we parted our ways.

I walked over to Gerard's en suite bathroom, after I had picked up the towel Gee had left out for me to use.

I got into the shower, making the water moderately hot before I got in. When it was just right I got in and started to think about last nights events.

Gee and I basically just met yesterday, yet we feel so comfortable with each other already. We basically made out for what seemed like forever. But y'know, Mikey's fantastic fucking timing happened to be good enough to ruin the moment. But before hand it was just like magic, as corny and tacky as that sounds. It just sparked up a weird feeling in me. Out of all people I would have never even though once about being with Gerard of all people. And then end up getting along so well, and him being so truthful to me.

After washing my hair and body, I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel I was using around my waist. I then blow dried my hair, and then straightened it when it was all dry. After, I applied red eyeliner on the top and bottom of my eyes. Then added a little bit of black into the mixture.

When I was done in the bathroom, I walked out into Gerard's room and realized I hadn't brought any clothes because I didn't think I would be sleeping over, considering my dumb ass of a self fell asleep. Way to go Frank. Your a fucking genius!

I walked upstairs to find Gee, and as I came onto the main floor of the house, Gee came out of the bathroom looking completely breathtaking. I walked over to him and just stared at him taking in all of his beauty. He giggled. So I knew he was reading my mind.

"Yes I am, and thank you for notifying me of my beauty." He said a little bit to over-confidently.

"Well Gee, I didn't exactly think I would be sleeping over so, I kinda need some clothes to put on..If that's not a problem?" He nodded.

"But I do much like you with just a towel on your waist. Damn Frankie, if you weren't so human I'd jump your bones right now..." He said looking at me in awe.

"Okay tone down the sex thoughts I need clothes!" I said giggling. He nodded and giggled.

"Okay follow me. I think Mikey may have something you would like to wear for today." Gee told me and motioned for me to follow on after him.

We came up to what my guess was Mikey's room.

"Yo Gee and his man Frankie! What can I do for ya?" Mikey exclaimed happily.

"I was hoping you would have something for Frankie here to wear." Mikey stifled a giggle.

"Oh, did you two get it on and then you ended up tearing Frankie's clothes off because you couldn't handle the wait Gee?" Mikey said laughing. Gee just glared at him. Mikey seemed to get the message.

"Okay okay, chill jeez. Weird how you can like kill me with a glare. I swear you're part demon or something Gerard." We both giggled. "Yes but Frankie! Let's see what I can do for you! Come here!" I walked over to Mikey laughing.

"Yeah I know right Frankie, weird how he's not the gay one!" Gee laughed making me crack up after he said that.

"Oh shut the hell up you guys! What would you like Frank? Well I'm guessing black skinny jeans first off am I right?" I nodded as he tossed me some skinny jeans. "Well, just rummage through my closet and find whatever it is you need Frankie boy!" Mikey said patting me on the back. I walked over to his closet and ended up picking out a black polo with a red tie to match.

I went back downstairs to finish up by putting my clothes on, brushing my teeth, that sorta thing. Then I was done. So I grabbed my things for school and went up the stairs to find Gee sitting there waiting for me. He just stared at me like I did to him before.

"I know, I'm sexy." I said stating as I walked into the room more towards Gee and he giggled and nodded his head acknowledging my statement.

"Okay lets get a move on, I want to spend some time with you before school starts." Gee said smiling at me and kissing my cheek. He grabbed my hand and we walked out the door to my car to drive to the school.

As I drove us to school, the car ride was pretty much silent. It wasn't an awkward kind of silence, but one like where we were just both thinking about each other and how comfortable we were with each other. At least to me that's how it seemed.

I pulled into the parking lot, the car being pelted by rain as me and Gee were about to get out, the rain got even harder. If that was even fucking possible!

"Well this should be fun, I made myself look hott for you for absolutely no reason!" I exclaimed and Gee giggled.

"No my dearest Frankie that is where you are wrong." Gee said smiling at me. "I think you look hott whether your wet or not. But thinking back to this morning, you looked pretty good with droplets of water on your chest and all..." Gee said giggling causing me to laugh a bit. "But yeah, let's just run as fast as we can." I nodded.

As we got out, we took off bolting towards the tree with the bench that me and Caleb usually meet at in the mornings. But whatever, it should keep us a little bit dry for now.

I was giggling like a hyena as we got over to the bench because Gee almost tripped and fell because the grass was so slippery wet.

"Hey don't giggle your cute giggle at me!" Gee said sarcastically with a smile plastered on his face like he had been laughing too.

We sat down on the bench, but Gee soon ended up pulling me onto his lap and started to kiss my neck and sort of suck on the spot he had bit last night. Which still kind of did hurt. I didn't know if it should or not. And as soon as I thought that, he stopped sucking and kissing my neck suddenly like it was a bad thing. I didn't think too much of it except Gee being kind towards me knowing it hurt a bit.

I looked over towards the open field and school building ahead of us and saw Caleb sitting on the third step staring over at us. It was kind of making me uncomfortable, and I guess Gee could notice that.

"It's alright Frankie. Just ignore him. He's just jealous I have you and he doesn't." Gee said kissing my lips gently, not caring who saw us.

I swear, when I'm with Gee, I always felt invincible, like nothing could stop me from being more proud of who I am. He brought out the best in me and I'm glad we found each other. And another thing when I'm with him, I always feel so safe. He tells me all the time that he would protect me, and would never let anybody hurt me. And I believe him when he says that too. And just sitting here, makes me notice that we are so comfortable around each other already. When I'm with Gerard, I just feel so...loved...
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well...second time i wrote this x.x!!
and its longer than the other chaps :D! ima try to stay on the side of making longer chapters because in my own opinion im not a fan of short chapters x.x but hey, thats just me.
but anyways, thanks for the few people who subbed (: and for woah 10 more readers!! thanks :DD! and i got a few more comments (: keep the comments coming it helps my motivating to know what you guys think about this so far :D!
y'know what i just realized too, the story's first 9 chapters were the first day of the story O_O and now this is the second day...
wow...pretty freaking eventful i guess aye? xD!