Status: Oui. I think this is the century's longest hiatus ever. I apologize. My writers block is kicking me in the ass right now. My apologies. When I think of something I'll update(: Thanksā™„

Love Is The Red, The Rose, On Your Coffin Door

More Mayhem Please, With A Side Of Blood.

Frank's Point Of View

After Gerard and I had our nice little moment this morning, the rain ended up letting up, giving us enough time to run in to the school without being drenched.

So now, we are in our 4th period class English. Ew. And we had an old wrinkly sub. Double ew. And because our teacher was so much of a dumb ass to not leave any work for us, the substitute said that we could just talk and what not until the end of class. Which is an hour long class. So, I was just sitting here on Gee's desk, his arms were securely wrapped around my waist so nobody could take me. I don't understand why, because clearly, nobody wanted me.

"Come on now Frankie, don't be so hard on yourself. You honestly don't know how many people here want you." Gerard said as I burst out into hysterics as an 'Wow are you fucking kidding me?!"

"Gerard come on! Don't be crazy! Nobody here thinks I am anywhere near sexy. Anywhere near cute even. Anywhere near fucking decent. Nobody. Except for you. But that's because you have a heart and loving soul." I stated bluntly to Gerard, who started laughing.

"Okay one, you said yourself yesterday, I am dead, and I have no soul. And secondly, may I remind you, I can read minds." Gerard stated in matter-o-fact manor.

"Okay then tell me, how many people on an estimate from 1-10 would you say think I'm anywhere near decent?"

"30." Gee stated bluntly. Haha. Fucking hilarious!

"Honestly Frankie, you dear, are sexy. And that's why it's so damn hard for me to resist from jumping your bones right now. Even in Mikey's clothes.." I giggled

"Yum. You can take me at anytime you know!" I said giggling and blushing at my own words falling from my mouth. I think those words are better kept in my mouth than out. Stupid mouth. You can't do anything right!

"Stop blaming your mouth Frankie dear. It's all in your head if I can hear it and read it clear. And I'm almost positive your mouth can do wonders Frankie." Gee said winking at me then spinning me towards him so his face was directly looking at my crotch. Who says he isn't a horny ass teenager!

"You know how much I would give to just--" Gee was cut off by one of the asshole jocks cutting in. Joy, here we go.

"Hey fags! Whats up!? Getting ready to give your bitch a blow job in class Way?" Oh no. Now see, he said Way..and Gee hated it when people picked on me. But damn heaven and hell know that he hates it when they go after him.

Before he started speaking, his eyes, got red. No, not the dark color that has a red tint. But they got fucking red!

"Somebody is going to die today!" I said in a sing-song kind of way. Gee shot me a glare like 'shut the hell up!' so I just sat and shut up watching a fight unravel before my eyes.

"Honestly, I don't even know your fucking name you douche bag! Why the hell do you go around saying shit?!" Gee spat at the unknown kid.

"Well Way, my name happens to be Jason," Wow typical douche bag name for a jock." and I'm gonna kick your ass Way."

"Let me get this straight, is it your friend that I keep beating the shit out of? Jason?" Gee said with a smirk on his face.

"No it is not. That's some wimpy little ass hole who thinks he gets his way all the time. But not me, I'm going to kick your ass!" Jason spat back at Gee, then lunging forward fast.

But not fast enough, because Gee caught his wrist and slammed him into the nearest window, causing the window to shatter everywhere. Causing me to get cut in the process. He didn't notice at first because he was too busy cussing out that douche and punching and kicking him in the process of that.

Everybody was screaming and yelling trying to get the two of them to stop, but Gerard really wanted this guy dead. It kind of scared me to see him in this state. I've seen it a few times within the last two days. I think it's the fact that he's a vampire and he can't take anymore idiots in the world being as old as he is.

"Gee! Stop! I know he insulted us, and you mostly, but don't kill him!" I yelled from behind him. He then stopped and looked back. But when he looked back he saw fear. Then he looked right to the huge bloody slice going down the inside of my left arm. He looked like he was going to drain every last drop of blood left in me at that moment.

"Gerard...your scaring me. Don't look at me like that because I know what you're thinking!" I stated backing away. Then it's like it hit him like a ton of breaks that he just put mass destruction to the school, and to me.

"Frankie..oh my god! Come on!" He grabbed me by my right arm, the one that was fine, and dragged me down to the main doors.

"I'm not in the mood for getting suspended Gerard. Nor, am I for expulsion." I said as we sped down the hall.

"Don't worry about it Frankie. I will sort it out. I promise you. We need to get out of here though, this could get messy." I looked at him worried

"Gee, what are you talking about?" I asked worriedly.

"I just don't want you to get in trouble right now, that's all. And I need to get you cleaned up before I jump on you and suck every last bit of blood out of your system." That scared me a bit.

Gee tugged me through the main doors making alarms in the office go off and I waved to them goodbye as they looked at me totally confused. Well, my mom was going to want a hell of an explanation later today.

We headed off to my car, him driving the way. We were driving to his house rather than mine, because of course, my mom. As soon as we arrived I was about to open the car door, but Gee was already there, picking me up bridal style and bringing me inside.

"Gerard, what happened?" I heard Mikey say, approaching from the kitchen.

I wasn't feeling safe, that's for sure. Being in a room with two vampires, I felt like I was about to die then and there.

"Don't be worried we would never do that to you Frank." Mikey piped up.

"You can both read minds?" They nodded. "Family gene trait or something?" They nodded again. "Okay then..."

Gerard explained briefly what happened in a summary telling Mikey he would give him the full on story later, but in the mean time was going to take care of me.

"So Gee, are you going to lick all of this blood up and take it for a taste drive?" I asked winking at him. Wow, that sounded right in my head but came out corny as hell.

"Actually, that's what I planned on!" He said with a big stupid smirk on his face. He grabbed my arm and started licking away the blood.

He then got to the cut, and it burned. Like hell. I hissed and pulled my arm away gripping at it tightly hoping it would stop burning.

"Frank what's wrong?!" Gee asked sounding really worried.

"Gerard, it's burning..I'm not vampire and I know nothing about whatever the hell this means, but please don't say that..." I trailed off.

"Shit." Was all Gerard said looking at my arm to my face and back at my arm again. Worry, filling his eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
well first will be a long-ish A/N because...
Gerard dyed his hair BLONDE!!!
nono, not that lovely platinum Parade blonde that we loved, but what is that? yellow blonde??
i dunno...but it upset me a bit when i saw it, i swear i thought my friend was kidding when she called me telling me that. and I saw it and just freaking died on the inside X_X
but then i took a closer look at it, he was wearing a HAWAIIAN SHIRT!
that cannot be Gee...thats for sure...>.<!
either or, i still love Gerard like everybody should blonde or not, he's still beautiful (:! and not in the girly way either o.O...
but in my opinion, keep it black, and NEVER take it back Gee...
anyways, short, i know i said i would try keeping it on the longer side. but i thought it needed an update. so here ya go!
and bahaha! cliffhangers! i love them (:!
what do you think it will lead too :o!? what do you think is wrong with Frankie o.O!?
and im not telling you in the next chapter x]!
COMMENT :D it makes me happy :D!
tell me what you think of this blonde Gerard o.o...i like opinions!
&&& subscribe please (:! 80 readers, 27 subs. we can do it!
thanks for those who are commenting though! it makes me smile to see :D!