Status: Oui. I think this is the century's longest hiatus ever. I apologize. My writers block is kicking me in the ass right now. My apologies. When I think of something I'll update(: Thanksā™„

Love Is The Red, The Rose, On Your Coffin Door


Frank's Point Of View

As I hugged Caleb, I glanced over his shoulder to see a sneering Gerard looking over at us. He was glaring.

I could have sworn I saw his eyes go dark within seconds, but then again, I don't know what the hell is going on with him these days. By that I mean, since yesterday. When he decided to wake up from the damn dead and pay some sort of attention to me. Unless of course, he already paid attention to me without me know. Wow, I am missing a lot of information there.

I guess Caleb noticed my confusion on my face, because he spoke up to make sure I was alright.

"Uh, Frank? You alright there man? You look really confused or worried or happy or giggly or something weird!" He looked at me and glanced up and down my face.

"Uh, oh, sorry. I was what now?" I looked at him confused. Throwing him off some more.

"Dude, really, what has been going through your head these days! Wake up Frankie!" He shook my shoulders and started laughing. I just laughed along with him.

We grabbed our bags and started heading towards the school. As soon as we entered the building we waved goodbye to each other and departed to where our first classes would be. As soon as we did so, I walked to my locker and put the things I didn't need away and brought along what I did need for class and what not. I shut my locker and started walking down the vacant hallway. Everybody was probably eating breakfast at this time in the morning so the hallways were always scarce of people. As I was about to turn the corner I felt somebody grab my arm and pull me into a janitors closet. I felt like I was being mugged who the hell was grabbing me?!

I turned around and noticed the face that saved me from yesterday. It was Gerard. Why the hell did he want me? Why was he grabbing me and taking me into a closet? None of this made any fucking sense. I hope he had a good reason to give me the scare of my damn life.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I wriggled my arm of Gerard's hold. He looked at me seriously like he was about to kill somebody. It was the same glare he had given me today when I was hugging Caleb as a warm welcome. Now what the fuck?

"Frank, listen to me carefully okay?!" He looked at me with a stern glare holding place in his eyes. His eyes were really dark again. Not the normal color. Like when he was pissed yesterday. They were dark like that. What was he so damn pissed or scared about?

"What? Why are you bugging me? Why are you taking such notice to me out of fucking nowhere Gerard! Before yesterday we never even said to words to each other! Why the sudden interest in talking to me and helping me?!" I looked up at him confused and angry. Even though, being in this closet with him made me want to do dirty things...

"Okay, hold on Frankie let me explain myself a bit here!" Again, he called me Frankie. What the fuck!?

"Yeah well I hope it's a damn good explanation considering you won't stop calling me Frankie now too and we haven't even talked at all basically!" I sneered at him.

"Okay listen, I know all of this seems out of nowhere, but it's to protect you. I know how much that makes absolutely no sense to you but it will sometime I promise you. I really may not seem like I care about anybody, but I really do. I've been hiding in so many shadows for too long. I really like you Frank. You just haven't noticed it. And I got tired of watching you get beaten up by those shitty jocks so I went to them and scared them because of your safety." He looked at me with all honesty showing in his eyes. His eyes were lightening up by the second when he went on with more and more to his explanation.

"Okay, so you're gay like I am, and you like me? I still don't get who and or what you are protecting me from." I looked up at him confused.

"Yes, and yes to both of those questions. And all I can say is watch yourself around that Caleb friend of yours. He's a really dangerous kid. That's all I'm saying for now Frank." He looked me right in the eyes showing care and honesty. I'm still fucking confused though!

"Wait, I've known him longer than you have. I basically know about every ounce of his life. Why are you warning me about him?"

"Because you don't know everything exactly. Things I can't explain. And trust me, I know more about him then you, our families go far far back." I started to think. Okay, so if Gerard's a vampire, then is he warning me to stay away from Caleb because Caleb is a bad vampire or something? Hell no. I sound ridiculous. I sound like I'm one of those girl's who sit and go gaga over whoever the fuck that Edward Cullen dude is.

"Uh, Gerard this might sound crazy, but are you a vampire...?" I slowly threw from amongst my lips. He looked at me shocked and confused like he was going to say "how did you know!?" or "you're ridiculous Frank, there is no such thing as those fairytale creatures!"

"Uh, now isn't the right time to be answering that kind of question Frankie..." Oh, he so was a vampire I just know he had to be!

"Well Gerard...can I do something then...?" He looked at me but I think he understood what I meant. He knew I wanted to kiss him.

"It depends on what it is.." He looked at me and smirked and leaned in closer.

"Fuck just kiss me already Ger---" Our lips collided.

I got this weird feeling running up my spine and my stomach had a shit load of butterflies. This felt so fucking right to me. Something about us was right. I just knew it. It just had to be.

I pulled away and looked up at Gerard. He smiled at me then pulled me into a comforting hug. He smelled of coffee, dead..Oh yeah. Vampire. I bet you!

He pulled away from me and I looked up and made our lips collide again. This time getting more passionate and fast. Lust was filling in the kiss. I think we were moving to fast considering we just were basically talking starting today I guess you could say. But hell, I fucking liked fast. Especially if it was with Gerard.
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hahaaaa did you like this one? it just kinda went on and on huh? my bad o.o comments are love :D!<3! comment and tell me what ya think and if i should add anything extra. have any ideas or anything about what u think should happen next in this closet? haha!