Status: Oui. I think this is the century's longest hiatus ever. I apologize. My writers block is kicking me in the ass right now. My apologies. When I think of something I'll update(: Thanksā™„

Love Is The Red, The Rose, On Your Coffin Door

Closet Discussions

Frank's Point Of View

Oh my fuck, what were Gerard and I (basically new friends) about to do? We are in a closet, in the fucking school Anybody could find us and see us right now. And I wanted to know more about Gerard anyways.

I pulled away quickly and looked up at Gerard who looked a bit hurt that I had pulled away. I didn't mean to hurt him, but I want to make sure I know everything about him and make sure he knows everything about me. Especially if we were going to be like this all the time.

"Why'd you pull away Frankie?" Gerard looked at me with worried eyes.

"Because, it's too fast. We basically just became friends and all and I want to know everything about you first." Yeah when I said everything, I looked him straight in the eye. He looked like he had taken back a few moments to re-think what he wanted to tell me.

"Uh, well okay. I guess you could come over to my house sometime and I can explain about all of this. I promise." He looked at me and assured me with his eyes that he promised he would tell me about everything.

"Uh, well first I want to know about a few things. And you have to answer it in all honesty. Can you atleast do that if your going to make me wait for other things to be answered?" He nodded at me.

"Yeah, go ahead." He answered back.

"Okay well uh first, why do you all of a sudden want to kiss me in a closet? When we basically, I guess you could say just met?" I asked looking in his eyes for answers. He looked nervous.

"Uh, yeah, well..." He trailed off and rubbed his neck nervously. His cheeks were becoming more red by the second.

"Yes Gerard?" I said smirking at him with a big cheesy grin.

"Well, see. Let me explain this as the long run." He took my hand and we sat down on a little bench that was in the closet.

"When I first saw you, when you were in ninth grade, I took so much damn notice to you. Even though, you had no idea I paid any attention to you." He did? Really? For that damn long? "And well after a while I kind of started noticing you always looking at me. Yes I knew you were looking at me even if my eyes were closed. I have a feeling I get when someone is looking at me, and well when you looked at me when I didn't see, or atleast you thought I didn't. It always felt, different. So when I noticed that had been going on for quite some time, I kind of always, watched you I guess. To keep an eye out for you. I cared, and you just didn't know about it..." He trailed off, blushed and looked down. He's so sweet. "So yeah, then those ass hole of jocks wanted to bash in your shit once again, and I couldn't handle to see you get hurt anymore. So I basically took action yesterday. And now we are here. The end!" He said with a big smile on his face. That was such a damn weird story.

"Okay, so you have cared for me for that long, and didn't ever say a word to me?" I asked him wanted a truthful answer.

"You have to understand how unsociable I am to other people. And I wouldn't think you would accept me as a friend considering you're always hanging out with...him." I'm assuming he meant Caleb. What did he have against him anyways? That was my other question.

"Oh yeah, about Caleb. What the hell is so scary about him that you warn me to not get hurt around him for?"

"You don't know everything about him Frankie. He's dangerous. It's not my story to tell now. I'll explain that when you come over my house sometime. Promise." He looked at me reassuring he was telling the truth.

"Well, okay then. Now what?" I looked up at Gerard and he smirked. What was he planning on doing. The bell for first period was about to go off. Not like it mattered or anything like that. We had the same class first period. English.

"What do you plan on doing. We need to go in like 3 minutes Gee." Oh shit, I just called him Gee. Oops.

"Aw, Gee. I like that nickname. My brother calls me that. Well my family does anyways. But yeah, we can maybe I don't know..." I knew what he had in mind for the next 3 minutes, now almost 2 left.

"Just say it, I think I already know what you mean Ger--" He pulled me up against him and kissed me. Damn, I really liked kissing him. He was so pure to me, but so not pure at the same time. If that makes any sense.

As we were making out, he started to glide his hands up and down my shirt. He got to the rim of it and slid his hand up. He grazed his delicate white as snow hands on my chest. Why was he so damn cold? I got goosebumps and shivered a bit.

"Ah, sorry. I know, I'm always cold. My bad Frankie." He kissed my forehead along as when the bell rang.

"Gee, we gotta go. We can continue this at my place later or something. I promise. I don't want to miss out on anything." I winked at him and he just had a small nervous giggle come from his mouth. We got up and started to the door.

"Gee, I think you or I should go first then wait for the other. So we don't look to suspicious of being in here together. Not like it would matter, you'll end up choking somebody to death if they try to hurt us!" I giggled at my last remark and he nodded.

"Yeah, I see what you mean, but I'll go first. If that's okay with you?" I nodded as he kissed me goodbye.

"See you in English class soon Gee." I smiled and waved. He opened the door and exited. I waited for a few minutes for time to pass so I could leave. I let two minutes go by and I exited the door only to see Caleb standing right by it.

"What were you doing in there with Gerard? You know he's really dangerous right?" He looked at me giving me a stern glare.

Wow, where have I heard that one or the other person is dangerous before. What the hell did Caleb and Gerard have against each other that they were trying to protect me from the other? That, I don't know yet. But I plan to find out very soon.
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i thank you guys so much :] theirs already 14 readers! im thankful :]! keep reading :D! and comments would be freaking awesome too :D?