Status: Oui. I think this is the century's longest hiatus ever. I apologize. My writers block is kicking me in the ass right now. My apologies. When I think of something I'll update(: Thanksā™„

Love Is The Red, The Rose, On Your Coffin Door


Frank's Point Of View

I came out of the closet a few minutes after Gerard, only to look to my right and see Caleb standing there looking quite serious about something.

"What were you doing in there with Gerard? You know he's really dangerous right?" He looked at me giving me a stern glare.

Wow, where have I heard that one or the other person is dangerous before. What the hell did Caleb and Gerard have against each other that they were trying to protect me from the other? That, I don't know yet.

"Uh, yeah, funny thing Caleb." I started looking down and rubbing my neck nervously.

"Oddly enough, Gerard said the same about you." I threw out of my mouth and started down the hall. Soon hearing running footsteps behind me. I assumed it was Caleb.

"Frankie what did he tell you?! What lies did he say to you about me?!" He grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around to face him.

"Uh, not much actually. I wouldn't worry to much about it Caleb." I said giving him an assuring looking to know I was being honest, even though I wasn't. I was a bit worried about what was going on between them...

"Well Frank, if he says anything to you about me, just tell me. Trust me, you don't want to get involved with him. He's not a good person. I've been your friend for 4 years, you can trust me right?" He looked at me hoping I'd agree to his statement.

"Yeah, I trust you." I lied. I don't know who to trust. I'm going to get the full story somehow.

"Oh, and just so you know now Caleb, I'm gay, if you haven't picked up on that yet." I was going to tell him something he'd probably hate hearing me say.

"Yeah, what about it? I picked it up long ago Frankie boy!"

"Yeah, well I know you're going to hate me for saying this but uh, yeah, I like Gerard. Like more than a friend should. Or whatever." He looked at me angrily. His eyes started to get this dark red tint to them, kind of like Gerard's. But, a bit scarier...

"Uh Caleb, you might want to fix your eyes there man." I said looking at him questioningly.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry about that." And his eyes fixated back to their regular color. I wasn't understanding this at all.

"Well then on that note, I'm going to English class. With Gerard. See you later." I said as I walked away looking back to wave. When I did, Caleb's eyes were scaring me a bit because the color tinted to that weird dark red, it scared me. So I sped up in my step and went to English.

As soon as I stepped into English class, first thing I noticed was Gerard drawing in his notebook. He did this on a regular basis but wouldn't let anybody see his drawings. Like he was afraid. Most people got a good glimpse though because of art class.

I walked towards the right back corner of the room where Gerard was sitting by the open window, just drawing. As I just said. He noticed me and shut his notebook and his eyes beamed at me.

"Oh, uh hey Frankie!" Gee stood up and gave me a friendly, warm welcome hug.

"Hiya Gee! So, what were ya just drawing!" I asked him with a big grin on my face. I truthfully wanted to see what his personal drawings were, and how much emotion he would put into them.

"Oh ya know, just stuff..." He trailed off and looked away. "Come sit Frankie!" He patted on his desk. He wanted me to sit on his desk?

As soon as I sat on his desk, he wrapped his arms around my waist. I just giggled at him. I'm surprised he would do this in public, but then again he could just break someones neck if he felt the need to. Or just beat their ass if they judged us at all. I felt safe with Gerard. I still think something is right with him that can make us last long. Oh, that, I had to ask him something too!

"Oh and Gee!" I leaned down and whispered into his ear. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I pulled away and smiled at him. He smiled back at me.

"Why would I ever say no to an offer like that? Of course I do!" He said really loud and kissed my cheek, letting others look at us in disgust. Ugh, homophobes, they sicken me to death.

As we sat there waiting for our teacher to get her lazy ass a move on to start teaching, one of the jocks from yesterday came up and punched me in the arm. Gerard stood up to the guy and looked him straight in the eye.

"You little butt-fuck, you even dare to fucking touch Frankie, I swear to you I'll beat your ass so fucking bad your damn grandchildren will fucking feel it!" He spat in the jocks face then pushed him against the wall and held him by the collar of his jersey. "You understand, because as we both know, your little friend from yesterday has a broken jaw. You wouldn't want the same, and maybe worse would you?" He said with a suggestive smirk plastered to his face. Oh he was so enjoying this.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry man. Just back off. Please?" The jock tried to wriggle of Gerard's grasp but was epically failing at that.

"Yeah, go ahead and run, don't you ever fucking come back unless you want your fucking ass to get killed." His eyes turned dark and he looked back at me, and they lit up again. Okay, weird much?

"Forgetting the rude interruption there, when I come over later sometime today, or you come over, you're explaining so much to me. Your little eye change color thing is making me wonder about you Gee."
All he did was smirk and start giggling. What the hell? He really has shit to explain. I want to know so much more about him. I want to know about everything.
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what ya think :D! and oh my geez, thanks for subbing! and for adding up the readers digits everyday! it makes me happy to see u guys are reading it :]! THANKS SO MUCH :D!!