Status: Oui. I think this is the century's longest hiatus ever. I apologize. My writers block is kicking me in the ass right now. My apologies. When I think of something I'll update(: Thanksā™„

Love Is The Red, The Rose, On Your Coffin Door

Come On In!

Frank's Point Of View

Gerard and I walked down the hallway hand in hand, of course there were some disgusted faces. But they now knew better than to get in Gerard's face after what he did to a few of those shit-head jocks.

I soon stopped at my locker to gather my things quickly as Gerard did the same. I was so excited for today! We agreed that we would go over his house today and hang out! I couldn't wait any longer I just wanted to be alone with him! And, I get to know about what I have been questioning ever since the day I saw him.

As Gerard kissed me on the cheek to go to his locker, Caleb ran up to me. Great, what does he want to worry about now?

"Frank your going over Gerard's house tonight?! Why on earth would you do that? He's dangerous I told you so! You don't listen at all!" He pointed his finger at me angrily. What the hell crawled up his ass and died?

"Uh, yeah. Well first off, what the FUCK crawled up your ass and died? There is nothing wrong with Gerard! I'm starting to question what he said about you being dangerous is real or not! And now, I'm starting to believe him! He seems to be way more trusting than you are anyways! So fuck off, I'll date whoever I want okay ?!" I slammed my locker shut and stormed off to Gerard. I looked back at him. His eyes were dark dark red again. "Oh yeah and last time I checked, when the fuck did you become my mother?!" I yelled back at him storming out the front doors towards Gerard under the big tree.

I guess as I walked towards Gee he knew something was up.

"Let me guess, Caleb is being motherly?" What he said made me giggle a little. I nodded and he hugged me.

"Don't listen to him. You will get all your answers tonight. You just have to promise me you won't freak when you know everything. And as weird as it will sound you have to believe me because it's the damn forsaken truth." He said lifting up my chin to meet his eyes. I wonder what he wanted to tell me? Well whatever it was, I'd be fine with it.

"Okay, I promise I will believe you Gee." He pulled me close and kissed my lips.

We got up from under the tree, and walked away hand in hand. To Gerard's house.


We came up to Gerard's front door step. His home looked so Gothic and cozy. I knew I was going to like it here bunches.

He opened the front door after fiddling with what key go in the key slot. We took a step inside and he shut the door behind me. His house was amazing. There were plaid red and black things everywhere! In is kitchen he had a black trim on the red walls. His counter was a black marble with red-wood cabinets. The chairs were black and red plaid. His living room, looked just like the kitchen. Red, black, and plaid amongst everything. His home was cleaned to perfection. It was all so perfect. He was perfect.

"Oh my damn Gerard!" I stood next to him astounded at what I saw.

"Yeah, it's not that good!" He said with an over-confident sound to his voice. Cocky mother-fucker!

"Yeah whatever you say Gee." I said hugging him close. We then saw Mikey heading down the steps. I've seen him in school before. He was Gerard's younger brother. He was a Junior in high school.

"Yo Gerard." Mikey said rubbing his eyes. My guess is he was sleeping. He looked really tired to me.

"Wake up Mikey from a daytime nap?" I guess Gee was thinking the same thing as me. How odd.

"Yeah, kinda I guess. So, you going to introduce me to...?"

"Frank. My name is Frank. Frank Iero." He stuck his hand out and I gladly took it and shook it.

"Yeah, and Frankie and I are going downstairs to my room. So uh, don't interrupt!" Gerard said rubbing his neck nervously.

"Yeah, sure. Have fun you guys. I don't want to hear the headboard of your bed banging the wall though, got it Gerard?" Mikey said as we started to walk away. I giggled in my thoughts. That was kinda funny.

"Mikeyyyyy! Shut up!!!" Gerard said childishly shooing his hand towards Mikey as we went downstairs.

Gerard opened his door. He walked inside as I tried to follow before he slammed the door in my face.

"Uh, Gee there a problem?" I asked calmly.

"Yeah hold on I need to put some stuff away that's all!" He started chuckling nervously.

"Okay I will wait out here." I sat on the steps for about two minutes then he finally opened his door.

"Come on in Frankie!" Gee said with a big smile on his face. He was so weird, but so cute at the same time.

And now, it was time to get some answers. He took my hand and sat me on the bed next to him.

"Okay, so what would you like to know Frankie!" Gerard said with a big smile still plastered to his face."

"Uh, everything." I said looking at him straight in the eyes. He looked like he got a bit nervous.
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yeahh not so detailed. next chapter shall be though :]! comment :D?