Status: Oui. I think this is the century's longest hiatus ever. I apologize. My writers block is kicking me in the ass right now. My apologies. When I think of something I'll update(: Thanksā™„

Love Is The Red, The Rose, On Your Coffin Door

Mikey's Fan-***ing-tastic Timing

Frank's Point Of View

So it has been about an hour after Gee had told me everything and I think almost killed me. I don't really feel well at the moment though and I'm not sure why but it's probably nothing anyways.

So yeah, back to the point. Gee and I have been sitting here like I said for about an hour, like maybe 45 minutes into watching Corpse Bride. I found out he had an obsession with dead people. Which isn't all that surprising considering y'know, he's dead.

Wow, now that I think about it, I'm dating a dead man. How odd.

"It isn't that odd Frankie! Just because I'm dead means nothing. I still have a loving heart and a nice caring soul!" Gee cut into my thoughts. Damn mind reader.

"Gee, your dead. You don't have a soul." I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And he just chuckles.

"Oh Frankie, don't believe that stereotypical shit that people have made into vampires these days. We don't sparkle, are eyes don't turn gold, and we definitely don't have any problem with wolves either." I laughed at how he said it. I take it he was referring to the Twilight saga. Which in my defense is just a bunch of fan girls screaming for Edward to bite them instead.

"I agree Frankie!" Oh Gee, and the damn mind reading.

"What can it take for you not to listen to my thoughts Gee?" Ah, bad question.

"Well there is always..." He leaned in close to me, considering I was sitting right next to him and he had his arms wrapped securely around me.

"You can either finish that sentence even though I already know what it is, or just do it already!" He leaned in much closer that time, our noses touching each other and his breath tickling my face.

And as I asked, my wish being granted by him doing what he was so called his way at "hinting" at kissing. His lips firmly against mine as we sort of made out, in unison. As we were kissing, I licked at nipped at his bottom lip begging for entry, and again, granting me as I want.

Our tongues battling for dominance, of course I'll lose anyways because hes got the strength of a bull anyways. As our tongues danced amongst the others, tiny moans escaped from both of our mouths as Corpse Bride was still playing in the background.

Next thing I know, is Gee is on top of me, his shirt buttoned down by me a bit to see his silky smooth white skin, very gentle to the touch. Louder moans starting to escape from both of our mouths, as I could feel myself restricting against the fabric of my pants. And as soon as I thought to myself, Gerard slammed his hard fabric restricted crotch against mine making us moan out at the same time very loudly.

And just as I started to undo more of Gerard's buttons on his shirt, Mikey walks in. Fucking fantastic timing Mikey.

"Whoa! Not in front of me guys thanks!" Mikey said shielding his eyes.

Gerard pulled away and started laughing at the stupidity of his brother.

"Damn, your right Mikes. But last time I checked you walked down here." Gee said chuckling and helping me sit up-right next to him.

"It was for the best Gerard, at least steal his virginity and lose your own when he's a vampire. And you should wait until y'know, you've known each other longer. Horny little teens." I giggled at Mikey being so blunt about everything.

"Oh by the way, Gee, Frank, you may want to fix that problem in your pants. I don't think anybody wants to see that. Especially not me, thanks." Mikey said walking out of the room.

"Wow, your brother has just fan-fucking-tastic timing now doesn't he Gee?" I said with a stupid sarcastic grin on my face. Gee just laughed.

"Trust me, that's the first time of many he will ruin our lovely sexy-time moments." What the fuck? Sexy time? I started laughing at that kind of name for Gee and mines so called "activities".

"Don't laugh at me! Sexy time is a very good time! Its a very good name if I do say so myself, especially after what we just did." Gee said winking at me. I could feel myself get shivers down my spine. I swear only he could do that. In all my years with people, I never had that feeling. I don't know if I want to call it excitement, love, or whatever.

"That would be love my dearest Frankie.." Gee said smiling and kissing my forehead lovingly. I wonder what that was supposed to mean? Hm, whatever. Only time will tell I guess.

"So Gee, what next?!" I said acting like a little excited child, crossing my legs and looking at Gee with a big grin. He giggled at me.

"I dunno. I just want to stay here and snuggle up with you for a while. I just want to hold my Frankie.." Gee said kissing me lovingly on the lips. I really am so in love with him it's ridiculous how I feel so fast..

"Frankie, I can read minds.." Gee said looking down at me with a gentle smile on his face. He brought his hand up and caressed his hand down my face, neck, and body to my hands where he grabbed hold of them.

"Gee, I trust you, I haven't known you for so long. But just something about you makes me know that you're completely honest with me. You're perfect." I said smiling up at him. No words escaped his mouth, he showed his appreciation of what I said but gently kissing my lips. Yeah, that feeling I just got again is most definitely love. And I'm for sure in love with Gerard Way.
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bwaha, a bit of sexy time ;DD! and a bit of a cliche' ending there too...but y'know its fanfic so its whatever!
you quiet readers out there, leave me a comment telling me what you think. good or bad. I need to know what Im doing wrong and what im doing right! :DD!