Status: Oui. I think this is the century's longest hiatus ever. I apologize. My writers block is kicking me in the ass right now. My apologies. When I think of something I'll update(: Thanksā™„

Love Is The Red, The Rose, On Your Coffin Door


Frank's Point Of View

"Gerard? Gerard? Where are you? I can't see anything it's all dark. Where did you go? Please say something!" I yelled looking for Gerard. I was searching for Gee on behalf of helping Mikey. He said that Gee went missing a few hours ago when it was around 11. It's about 3 in the morning now, and no sign of Gee.

Then I heard a few whimpering noises, sounding like crying. My heart was racing, I was searching through the darkness using my ears and trying to use my eyes for any bit of color.

Then I smelled it. Blood. The smell of blood took over my senses and its all I could taste or smell from how strong it was.

"Mikey!" I yelled in panic. "There's blood, it's everywhere! It's all I can smell!!" I then heard more whimpering, loud sobbing, then a deathly cry.

Then it all went white. Then I could see it all. All the blood. Dripping and smeared all over the scene.

Then I saw Mikey crying, then underneath him, Gerard. Blood all over his body, his eyes closed, looked even more pale than usual.

I then ran over to Mikey and crouched down next to him to observe Gerard. I began crying heavily, practically hyperventilating at the sight of a stake, right into where Gerard's loving, caring heart is.

"Mikey, please tell me he's going to be okay!" I began crying in panic tears streaming down my face onto the body before me.

"Frank...he's dead." Mikey said barely above a whisper.

I looked down at his body before me. His life taken, taken from him. No choice but to die against his will. Who would do such a thing to such a pure person?

I began to cry heavily once again thinking of all the times of Gee and I. Then it all went blank.

"Frank? Frank? Are you okay? Wake up Frankie." Gerard was next to me, alive and well. I must have fallen asleep in his bed and had that dream, that nightmare.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, the love of my life isn't dead. I looked up to see Gerard looking down at me very worried. I started bawling my eyes out and gave him the most passionate hug, letting him know I never want him to be gone.

"Frankie, what's wrong? Why are you crying??" He asked very worried.

"You died...I had a nightmare. Blood everywhere. Everything was pitch black darkness, while Mikey and I were trying to find you. I could hear whimpering, crying. The all of a sudden I got a huge whiff of blood that entered into my nose and it took over my senses. The everything went white. Then I could see Mikey sitting by you, your body with a stake in the heart, your blood all over you, and everywhere else. Mikey's sobs, my sobs. It was horrible Gee! And that I can see you're alive, it's all better now." I said explaining my dream giving him another hug. He leaned down and looked at me still worried, like something as that would and could happen. He then kissed me gently on the lips.

"Oh Frankie, I am so sorry for giving you nightmares like that. I promise you, I will never let anything like that happen to me, or to you. I promise okay? It was only a dream. A terrible nightmare. Don't let it think it's ever going to tear us apart. I won't ever let anything tear us apart Frankie." He said pulling my chin up and kissing me softly on the lips. All emotion and love pouring into it.

He then pulled away, pools of what I believe to be love swirling in his eyes.

"Okay Gee." Was all I could seem to escape from my mouth. I was still in complete and utter shock from the terrible nightmare that I just had. Then I realized I had fallen asleep.

"Aw shit! Gee you have to take me home it's late!" I said in panic struggling to untangle myself from the sheets of Gerard's bed.

"It's fine, I already had Mikey call your mom saying you were staying here for the night." I looked up at him confused.

"Isn't she going to be kind of confused about how she has no idea who you are and all?" I asked trying to understand all of this.

"Well Mikey explained everything but not knowing if you came out to her or not just said you were staying over your friends house for the night." Gee said while nodding reassuringly.

"So it's safe to go back to sleep then?" I said yawning. He nodded. And as soon as that I started to drift off into a very peaceful slumber with Gerard holding me.

Gerard's Point Of View

I watched Frankie drifting off to sleep peacefully, while holding him in my arms. He seemed to be so content with me holding him. He looked safe and protected. Which I hope he feels safe and protected here, I want him to know I would never let anybody hurt him. Ever.

As I was laying here while holding Frank, I realized something. Something really important that I know is the truth and makes me care so much for him.

I'm in love with him. I am in love with Frank Anthony Iero.

And seeing him lay here so peaceful, I wanted him to know that I am indeed in love with him, but I don't. I'm afraid of rejection. But that's my mind not my heart. Because as I you know, I can read minds. I know he is in love with me. I just want him to know I feel the same.

I was starting to become a bit sleepy so I sat up a bit, leaned over, and kissed Frankie's cheek. And as I did so, I saw the slightest smile turn in the corners of his mouth.

"I'm in love with you Frankie. If only you were awake to hear me say it. But I love you." I said as I kissed the top of his head and laid back down. As I did so, I thought I heard him mumble saying I love you too back to me. That, letting me fall asleep into the same peaceful slumber as my Frankie had.
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okayy so you can pretty much guess the italics is when frank is dreaming.
and also see that the nightmare may have some foreshadowing for the future of this story :o!
dun dun dunn!
Comment (:! i got 10 readers and about 4 more subs from the last update :D! I know theres a bunch of you there reading! Leave ur comments :]! or dare i say, no updates :o
taha maybe. or maybe not....comment though :]!