Status: Hope you like it! Second ever story that I've written, so not sure how it turned out....

Making Light of These Dark Days

Making Light of These Dark Days

Bert wasn’t always such a fucked up mess. Nope, not even 3 years ago was he so focused on his band that he didn’t have to time for such trivial things as drugs. But all that changed when Bert met him. He waltzed right into Bert’s life and everything changed…for the worst. After meeting one Gerard Arthur Way Bert’s life went from pretty good to fucked up…fast.

I guess you can’t really blame Gerard for being such a bad influence, he didn’t even realize it. He thought that he was being a good friend for offering whatever he had to Bert. Especially since Bert was so sad. Gerard thought Bert needed a little something to take his mind off of his girlfriend who had just committed suicide not even a month before Gerard and Bert met on tour. Also, Gerard was way beyond fucked up as well, his grandmother had passed while he getting high somewhere in the back of a bar. So Gerard had a few things to bottle up as well, so why not share what made him feel so good?

They were such good friends for the longest times, it was only natural that it would become something more. The first time they had sex they didn’t even remember it the next afternoon when they woke up. The only way Bert figured it out was because his ass was extremely sore and bloody, but he didn’t dare bring it up to Gee. The next time they have sex, they both remember and afterwards start making out and do it all over again. They do it many times over the course of several years until that one catastrophic day.

My Chemical Romance is on tour on the Projekt Revolution Tour with many bands including Mindless Self Indulgence. Bert has not seen Gerard since MCR left for the tour and he thought that he would surprise Gerard and go and see him on tour. Bert made his way up to the tour bus and knocked. Nobody answered so he try the door, and to his surprise it was unlocked. He went in and not a single person was in the front of the bus, so he figured that he would try the back. As he made his way to the back he kept hearing noises that he just couldn’t place. He got further and further into the back until he reached the main room in the very back and the door was partially closed. Bert opened the door a little more and was horrified and distraught by what he saw. He must have made some kind of noise because Lyn-Z looked up and smirked. Finally Gerard caught on and stopped what he was doing immediately. He begged and pleaded but Bert would hear nothing of it and left. Bert McCracken and Gerard Way have not spoken since.

After Bert caught Gerard fucking Lyn-Z and went straight home and O.D.’d. He woke up in the hospital surrounded by friends and surprisingly, some of his family. He eventually got better and felt no need whatsoever to do the things that he and Gerard had once done together. The withdrawal was a bitch though.

Two years later and he is married to the most wonderful woman on Earth and they are expecting in November. Yep, Bert was not always such a fucked up mess, but he got better way before Gee ever even thought of it. So who do you think got the better end of the shit stick? If you’re thinking Bert, you’re damn right!
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So, this was super short. I only write when I'm mad so this might suck...a lot. If anyone reads this, let me know what you think okay? I don't care if you comment or whatever, just PM me or whatever. <3