American Teen

Chapter 1

The cold wind slapped my face like the icy hand of an angry pimp.

Why was I doing this? Why was I allowing myself to be humiliated this way? Recounting the conversation that started it all, I remembered. I guess I could never let down a challenge. Though deep down I could feel that there was something more to it.

Treading through the snowy football field, forcing myself against the cold, my brain trying to power down and stop this dreadful decision. Before my mind had a chance to full reboot my body, my feet had reached the destination.

I looked at the pyramid of frozen cheer-cicles, full of manufactured spirit. With my hands glued in my pockets I looked up at Ms. Yeager, the cheer coach for our high school. She narrowed her eyes at me, so I knew I only had about five seconds to plead my case. My lips quivered and my eyes twitched, then with all I could I pushed the words out.

"So, I hear you have an opening.."
♠ ♠ ♠
short and sweet..

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