Age Is But A Number


Mom was pacing back and forth. She had been chasing my younger brother and sisters. Drew was sat next to me jamming out on his guitar. He was just like our dad A.K.A. Synyster Gates.

Our family was big and really cool. My cousin Matt was the lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold,the band my dad is in. Uncle Johnny played bass,Uncle Jimmy played drums, and Zacky was rhythm guitarist.

I have been in love with Zacky since I was only two. I remember all the times we spent together. In fact we're going out tonight. Not on a date just to hang like we do every weekend. I always go to his house.

"Haleigh!"Mom called. I set my laptop down and ran down the stairs. I looked up and Zack was here early and he had Gavin with him.

"Hey Gavin."I said doing the fist bumping thing with him. Gavin is Zacky's nephew and he's a little bit younger than me and the quads. I was a bit disappointed cause I just wanted it to be Zacky and I.

"Haleigh, Dad wants to see you before you leave."Drew said walking out of our studio. I held up my finger to Zack and Gav then ran into the studio.

"What is it Daddy?"I asked. Dad looked up from his guitar and smiled.

"I noticed you've been playing you're guitar a lot lately."He observed seeing as my green and white guitar had been moved around the studio a lot.

"Yeah so?"I asked shrugging. He smirked at me.

"I heard you singing and playing and cussing."His smirk grew into a smile.

"You really are a Haner after all!"He exclaimed dramatically. I rolled my eyes and flicked him off. He chuckled and stood up.

"Stay safe baby, you are getting to old."He frowned. I hugged him back and kissed his cheek.

"Bye Dad."I said then went out of the studio as he started picking the strings of the guitar again. I saw Victoria,Gabi,Briana,and Fred Evan sitting around the table watching Disney Channel. I kissed each of there cheeks then hugged Drew.

This is what I did every time I left. I hugged Pinkly and Sony,our dogs. Zack had his back turned he and my mom were talking. I ran and jumped on his back.

"Umph."I kissed his cheek and got down. Mom pulled me into a hug then handed me the bag I had packed three hours earlier. I kissed her cheek and waved as Zack,Gavin, and I left.

"I call shot gun!"I yelled. Gavin groaned and Zacky chuckled. I blasted "Monster" by Meg&Dia.

"Monster how should I feel? Creatures lie here, looking through the window..."I sang. Zacky smiled over at me. I blushed and looked out the window. I get so caught up in the music sometimes I forget about my audience.

"Haleigh."Zacky said. I turned my head and we were at Zina's. Gavin was getting out of the car. I furrowed my brows.

"I thought he was gonna be staying too?"I asked. Zack shook his head.

"No, me and him were getting strings for my guitar earlier and we went out and I decided to pick you up early."Zack explained. I nodded.

Zacky placed his hand on my thigh as we pulled out. I was wearing shorts so he was touching bare skin and I felt like I was going to explode.

I put my hand on Zacky's and he flipped his hand over to hold mine. He laced our fingers together then brought my hand to his mouth kissing the back of it.
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Yay finally got it out :D