Age Is But A Number


*Zacky's POV*

I was so worried about Haleigh. I was terrified that Gena had messed up my baby girl. I was so mad I hope that dumb bitch gets what she deserves in prison cause if I have to I'll make sure she's locked up in an insane asylum even if it takes all the money I have.

"Mr. and Mrs. Haner!" A doctor said. Bri and Lexie stood up quickly. The doctor gave a small smile. He talked to them so quietly that I couldn't make out any of the words he was saying. I just wanted to see my baby girl!

Matt and Val walked over to me. I frowned. Matt gave me a confused look.

"What is it man?"I asked.

"When did Bri and Lex get back?"He asked I shrugged I just knew when we called they were getting on a private jet and they had turned back to get here. Fred Evan,Gabby, and Briana were sitting with Jimmy and Leana waiting for their parents to tell them if their older sister was gonna be okay. Victoria was standing off to the side clutching onto Johnny and Lacey sobbing. Vic was the most sensitive of all the Haner children.

Drew was staring at the doctor just like I had been moments before I had gotten distracted. Brian came over and smiled weakly at me. I looked up at him like a lost puppy. He patted my back while Lexie went over to break the news to the other guys.

"She'll be okay Zack don't beat yourself up. Its just a broken wrist and a few cuts and bruises and a fractured rib."He said. That made me feel even worse. I shook my head and began getting angry again.

"This is all my fault man. If I had just put up that security system before now or if I hadn't of made my house the cool chill out place...."I trailed off. Bri shook his head and patted my back again.

"We're gonna go in and see her real quick then you can go in."He said and I nodded. I waited there listening to the nurses gossip about how hot some of the doctors were or how Avenged Sevenfold was here with the "sexy ass" lead guitarists daughter and one was even trying to say she had sex with Bri in the bathroom. I found that hilarious considering the fact that he hadn't left Lexie's side all day.

Brian and Lexie left with the kids except Drew he wanted to stay with me tonight. I walked in the room while Drew went to get something to snack on. Haleigh looked so broken. I couldn't help but let a tear slip from my left eye. I shook my head. She had stitches,that Bri failed to mention, on her left cheek.

I walked over and sat by her. I placed a kiss on her lips and rested my hand on her's. Haleigh twitched in her sleep and whined a little. I moved my hand and brushed her hair back. Haleigh woke up and looked at me with wide eyes then she realized it was just me.

"Zacky why does my head hurt? Why is my body so sore?"She asked. I frowned.

"Baby girl you were hurt, really bad."I explained. She made a face at me that was extremely adorable and made me laugh. She smiled then flinched.

"It hurts to move Zacky!"She whined. I kissed her again and she kissed back this time the door opened and I immediately pulled away. Drew walked in and it seemed like he didn't see anything. Thank God!

I smiled at Drew innocently hoping he didn't see anything. If anybody found out about me and Haleigh...there's no telling what would happen to me. To her. To us. I couldn't live without her. She was my baby girl and nobody else can have her. Nobody.
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Ugh I'm not in a good mood so updating this story helped and talking to Bri! :P
and listening to If I Was Your Vampire-Marilyn Manson soothed me haha now I'm off to shower :D and I'm getting a puppy its a Jack Russell and its the runt so its gonna be really tiny :)))