Age Is But A Number



Zacky and I finally watched the movies I had picked out. I remember being carried up the stairs to his room and being laid in his bed.

"Sleep tight babygirl."Zack whispered in my ear.

I woke up in the morning to Zacky's colorful chest. I loved his tattoos. My favorite was the skull right on his chest. I traced it with my index finger.

Zack stirred a little and turned so he was half on me. I liked this feeling. Him on top of me. It was nice to feel his warm skin touching mine.

Zack woke up and pushed off me. He smiled down at me then place a kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning gorgeous I hope I didn't crush you last night."He chuckled. I shook my head. We got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Zacky made me Italian omlets.

"These are good baby."I said then covered my mouth as I realized what I'd said.

"Did you call me baby?"He laughed. I blushed a deep crimson color and continued eating. He came up beside me and kissed my cheek.

"I love it when you call me baby."He whispered in my ear.

Zacky's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and I saw it was my dad. I sighed and drank the rest of my Dr. Pepper.

"Yeah we'll be there in about an hour or so. okay . bye man."He closed his phone and frowned at me.

"Lexie wants you home cause of some girl won't leave."I sighed it was Jorden's daughter Breanna Elwina. Jorden is a bitch who is obsessed with my dad.

I kissed Zacky for the longest time then we went upstairs. I went to the guest/my bathroom and showed and Zacky went to his.

I got out and dressed in my Mickey Mouse shirt and basketball shorts. I went to find Zack and he was sitting on the guest bed.

"Come on sweetheart gotta get you home."He mumbled. I grabbed my bag and we left. I can't believe my weekend with Zack was ruined by the little brat.

Zacky pulled into my driveway all too soon. Breanna Elwina was sitting on my porch with her mom. I leaned down pretending I dropped something and brought Zacky with me. I kissed his lips one last time,savoring the taste, and got back up.

"I can't wait till next weekend."He whispered breathlessly.

"Me either."I grumbled. I got my bag and hugged him then went to my house. I waved bye to him as he pulled away. Breanna Elwina stood up as did her bitch of a mom.

"You left poor Breanna Elwina all by herself."Jorden yelled at me. I stuck up America's favorite little finger and walked into my house. I slowly turned and glared at the two.

"Fuck off whores."Then slammed the door.
I can't believe my amazing weekend with Zacky was ruined.
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I hope this makes up for my long absence