Age Is But A Number


We passed the restraunt and I had no idea where we were going now. Zacky slowed down a little then put the car in park.

He helped me out and we walked down the beach. My favorite part of living in Cali is the beach. Zacky laced our fingers and smirked at me. He dragged me to the ocean. He stopped then started stripping. I was shocked. I had no idea what had gotten into Zachary James Baker and I was too scared to find out.

"Don't worry Haleigh,just strip down to your bra and underwear."He told me. I nodded and started stripping. He laced our fingers again and we ran into the ocean squealing like little kids.

I splashed him with water and he growled playfully and splashed me back. A war of splashing broke out and I swam under and went around him then jumped up. I was behind him and I was about to splash him when he turned and smirked.

"You aren't that quiet baby."He chuckled. I frowned but splashed him anyways. He pulled me to his chest and kissed my forehead. I looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you Zacky."I whispered kissing his chest. He tightened his grip on me and attacked my head with kisses.

"Come on baby lets get back and fix you something to eat okay?"He said. I nodded and got on his back. He carried me to the beach where we quickly ate PB&Js then went to his car and he took me home. I had school. I was home schooled though.

Zacky kissed me slowly and then let me go. I smiled and walked to the door.

"Hey Mom,Dad."I yawned. They both smiled at me then went back to watching their movie. I went upstairs and turned my Ipod on. I put it in the speakers and pushed random.

'You and Me'by Lifehouse came on. I changed into PJs,locked the door,and fell asleep.
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Sorry I've been so busy. My cousin had a play yesterday,I went to my dad's friend's today,and my boyfriend has to have some time with me too.