Age Is But A Number


I woke up and quickly dressed and ran downstairs. Mom was at the stove cooking. Dad was playing some game with the quads.
Fred Evan looked up and smiled at me. He stood and walked away from the game.

"Hey sis...I know what you do at Zacky's."He said seriously. I froze.

"How could you watch those movies without me?!"He whined. I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Uh sorry little dude."I said.

"Mom I'm gonna go out for a while."I called. I heard her 'mhmm' before I went out the door. I broke out into a jog. I jogged up to Zacky's house fifteen minutes later.

He was sitting on his porch smoking. I smiled at him and decided since he didn't see me that I'd sneak up on him. I walked behind the bushes. He was turned at an angle that I could jump on his back. I sunk down then pounced on him.

"Get off of me Haleigh."I frowned. He was never like this.

"What's wrong?"I asked. Zacky looked me dead in the eyes and shook his head.

"Nothing I'm just annoyed with some people like my ex Gena she keeps getting in my fucking business."He said then pulled his cell out and handed it too me.

Who is that little girl? You so desperate you have to fuck your best friends daughter? Is her pussy as good as mine?

I shivered. That was disgusting. Why would it matter they've been broken up for like 3 1/2 years.

Zacky I miss you :( I want to start a family with you. I want to have sex with you every night and wake up next to you and push your babies out of my vagina and see their beautiful green eyes.

I growled. Zacky took his phone from me before I threw it at the house or road. Zacky looked around then pulled me into his home.

He roughly took my face in his hands and smashed his lips against mine. His tongue eased its way into my mouth. His hands rested on my butt. He pushed me against the wall and lifted me up then wrapped my legs around his waist.

He carried me upstairs and laid me on his bed. He kissed down my neck and my exposed clevage. I gripped his hair and moaned when he bit down on my left breast.

Zacky stopped and laid beside me. I frowned. I didn't want him to stop. Ever.

"Zacky I ...nevermind."I said looking at the picture on his dresser of him and Ichabod.

"No baby girl tell me."He said. He put his hand under my chin and made me look into his eyes.

"I want to go allt the way...."I trailed off. I felt my cheeks grow warm and chills rise on my arms.

"Awe baby we will one day when I know you are ready."He replied. I sighed and pouted.

"Don't act this way baby."He said. I shook my head.

"I know I'm ready."I growled. Zacky chuckled and shook his head.

"Hales you're gonna be the death of me."I laughed at that.

"Good."I mumbled before kissing him again. Icahbod ran into the room. He was an old dog now. He crawled into his bed and rested his head on the side. Pinky came up and rested by him.

Pinky's a chihuahua jack russel mix that I gave Zacky for Christmas one year. Her and Ichabod had puppies but we'd just gotten rid of them all and now Pinky's pregnant again.

"They were made for each other."I whispered. Zacky looked at the two dogs cuddled up on the dog bed. They were cleaning each other and then Ichabod rested his head on Pinky's stomach.

Zacky kissed my neck again and pulled me on top of him. He looked into my eyes and held my gaze for the longest time.

Please don't tell me that I'm dreaming when all I ever wanted was to dream another sunse-
I answered my phone.

"Watch your back little bitch. Zachary James Baker is mine"A female growled.I recognized that voice anywhere.

"Gena get a fucking life and move on Zacky obviously doesn't want you."I snarled.

Zacky looked at me immediately. His eyes wide.

'Don't tell her anything about us.' he mouthed. I nodded knowing that if I told her she'd tell on us.

"He doesn't want you,you mean."She said. I rolled my eyes.

"He is my dad's best friend. And he's like my best friend. Seriousy Gena I gotta play Call of Duty so just leave me the hell alone got it?"I asked. I heard the dail tone and put my phone away.

"What all did she say to you?"Zacky asked getting all protective.

"Nothing just being a bitch saying that you are her's and that I need to leave you alone."I sighed. Zacky shrugged and kissed me hard before going downstairs.

I got up and followed him. He went to the kitchen and began fixing food. He was my favorite cook,but if my mom found out I said that she'd murder me.

"Stop getting so beautiful."Zacky whispered in my ear. I looked at him and smiled.
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Soo I'm back..ish...I may not update this story as much because I suffer from writer's block...and I have a it's hard to come up with something to write when I'm working and when I get ideas...I can't write them down cause 9 times out of 10 I'm washing a car when I get a good idea