Status: It's a short story. but it is very very true.

Classroom Chaos

Entry 1

Don’t you hate it when you know you’re the only intelligent being in a room full of immature, under-minded, half witted children? That’s how I feel now. I'm gonna start off this entry with a short introduction explaining my situation. I’m a senior in high school and I’m struggling to graduate. Have you ever been in a situation where you move to a new school and their credit system is totally different then the previous schools? That is what I’m dealing with. World History. A sophomore class at my old school, a freshman class at my new school. And I moved here after my freshman year. And no one told me I had to take it until the end of last year.

So now I’m 18, a senior, well educated and very mature for my age, sitting in a room full of freshman and only 1 sophomore. How splendid?!

Sometimes I just want to kill them all. Make it easier on myself and society. But then I’ll be sinking down to their maturity level.

“Be smart about this, Rylie. Don’t give in!” I would tell myself.

It’s not like I have anything against them. No, that’s a lie. 2% of the freshman population is mature enough to associate with me and my friends, but even then, we have our doubts. I just have a big thing about slackers, complainers, and plain dumb asses. Thus: 98% of all freshman population.

They always talk about the dumbest things. And things that just get my blood boiling. Like just the other day, they were laughing about AIDS. What a thing to make fun of! AIDS isn’t funny. And I swung around and yelled “DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO LOSE SOMEONE TO AIDS?” that kept them quiet. I mean, that topic really hits close to home. My step brother died of AIDS, and he wasn’t even sexually active. He would be 32. He was a Hemophiliac and you know how the 80’s were. Blood transfusion wasn’t screened. So he got AIDS.

ANYWAYS! The freshman also talk about things that they think they know. They always say “That’s so ‘90’s.” WTF?! How do they know what ‘90’s is? All there memories are from 2000. Not the 1990’s! They were born around ’94 to ’95, so how can they have any recollection as to what was ‘90’s.

Let me give you a list of ‘90’s things that these kids think are ‘80’s:
1. Double Dare
2. Rugrats
3. Cell phones
4. Internet
5. Americas Funniest Videos
6. Run Lola Run
7. The Mask

All of these things are SO ‘90’S! if you were born in the middle of after the ‘90’s, you’ll have to watch ‘I love the ‘90’s’ to understand.

Anyway, the point is, this sucks! The only person in this class keeping me sane is my teacher; Mr. Webb (or Swebb since his brother also works at this school). He’s 26 years old and looks like Jesus. No joke. He’s funny and I’m his favorite student in that class. He lets me go to the library whenever I want to get away from these morons. He lets me text on my cell phone and doesn’t ask me question. We have conversations about concerts and art (he went to Rome last summer). Obviously I was given the right teacher, just the wrong class.


I think i feel a little better. I've been thinking about these things for a while and haven't had anything to spill my thoughts in.

Happy sailing!
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