Status: It's a short story. but it is very very true.

Classroom Chaos

Entry 2

Today has been, slow. Last night I had a killer headache, but I didn’t want to go to bed because I was watch Lost. It was the Season Finale of the final season. I cried. But anyways, today, I’m hella tired and I just can’t seem to focus. And in fourth period, my Mythology class that I have with Tarryn and Chelsea, we are presenting our World Myth projects. Well, a lot of drama kicked up and it just made my day.

There are 3 people in that class that I cannot stand.

1. Keegan Fine
2. Ashley Arnold
3. Cheyenne Louis

Just the sound of their names makes me want to punch a baby. So, Ashely and Cheyenne already presented their presentation and we’re sitting in class while other people are presenting and Keegan wont shut up! So our teacher sends him out of the room. Then Ashley asks to go to the library, then Cheyenne. And Mrs. McKnight says Ashley can go, but Cheyenne can’t. She didn’t give a reason as to why, but she said no. So Cheyenne threw a hissy fit, and told Mrs. McKnight that Keegan left. Mrs. McKnight said that if anyone left, they would be marked truant. So Cheyenne said she didn’t care, got up and left.

Mrs. McKnight looked at me and Tarryn and said, Keegan better not have left. He’s smarter than that. Then John Espinoza said, “Really Mrs. McKnight? Are you really going to say that about Keegan Fine?”

The whole room burst into laughter. It totally made my day. Even Mrs. McKnight laughed about it.

But it’s just stupid people like Ashely, Cheyenne, and Keegan that makes me glad that I’m leaving. It’s going to be hilarious when they go to college (if they go to college) and have to put up with those mean ass professor's. ☺

Anyway, that’s my entry for the day.

Peace! ♪♫♥♫♪
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