Status: Completed <3

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Lewis Schultz is a twenty four year old male that was born deaf and mute. Andy Marx chooses to not speak to support Lewis, his lover of eight years. They both live in absolute silence and, in the end, that's what makes their bond greater.

This is an entry for The Slash/Femmeslash Contest. It's also an entry for this Pre-Written Contest and this Happily Ever After Contest.

This is my first attempt at a one-shot, so bear with me. Opinions would be amazing.

This is a slash, meaning that the two main characters are both gay men. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I own the plot, characters, and everything else for the story so if you steal anything I have the right to come at you with a spork.

Word Count: 2,694.