Status: writing.

Torn In Two

3 - Empty Spaces

I felt something on my cheek, it made me wake up. When i woke up and seen my door closing. i looked around the room and noticed a letter on my bedside table. I opened it and read it. when i finished reading it, i ran downstairs and out the door. when i got out there he was already out of the driveway. i tried to yell for him but my voice wouldn't come. Tears were streaming down my face and i walked back inside.

"What's wrong babe?" Raab said.
"Nothing." i said walking upstairs to my room.

When i went upstairs i looked for my pictures that i hid last time i was here. It was a bunch of photobooth pictures we all took the last day i spent here.
There was one of the whole gang which included, Me, Bam, Dunn, Raab, Knoxville and Steve-o. then i had one with me and everyone and then one with knoxville and steve-o. i took the one with me and knoxville and remembered that day.


"A photobooth! C'mon knoxville!" i said dragging him to it. we put the money in and got in.
The first one we made funny faces. the second one i kissed him on the cheek and he was making a surprised face. the next one he was kissing my cheek, and the last we were messing with eachothers hair. That why in all the other pictures with everyone else my hair was a mess.

-End FlashBack!-

i took the pictures of Johnny and i and clutched it and cried.


I looked at the clock, 7 AM, great. i had stopped crying abut two hours ago, i was all dried out.
I went downstairs to get breakfast.

"Hey honey are you okay?" Aunt April asked.
"Yeah Aunty i'm fine."
"Okay" she said looking at me skeptically.

she gave me a plate full of food but i didn't eat any of it. I heard Raab and Bam get up and stumble their way in here.
"Vivvy!" Raab said but i just sat here looking at the table.

-Bam's P.O.V.-

These past couple of days have been horrible, it has been 4 days since Knoxville left and All Vivian does is sit there stareing off into space, or out into the yard holding onto that stupid picture. Steve-O tried to cheer her up but it didn't work. So i did the thing i knew needed to be done.

i called Knoxville and to my surprize he answered.
"Yeah what is it Bam?"
"I need you to come back to my house."
"Because of Vivian! She doesnt eat or drink, i don't even know if she sleeps! All she does is walk around with that stupid Picture of you guys, and sit there stareing at Nothing! so get your ass back here and fix this!" i said
"Fine! i'll be there in ten minutes." and with that i hung up.

-Regular P.O.V.-

I was sitting there looking out the window when i heard a car pull into the driveway. I figured it was another one of the guys. I was looking outthe window when i seen him walk by. I jumped up so excited and ran to the door.
"You came back!"
"Of course i came back why wouldn't i?"
"I don't know i thought you weren't going to come back. I missed you JK!"
"I missed you too Viv." he said as i jumped on him and hugged him.
We walked back to the living room where everyone was and i was holding his hand with a death grip and i wouldn't let go.

"Woah Woah Woah when did this happen." Steve-O said pointing to our hands.
"What?" Knoxville asked.
"Your holding hands."
"I dont know she just grabbed my hand." he said.

"Knoxville can i talk to you Outside." Bam said walking up to us.
"Sure" he said getting ready to walk away. but i wouldn't let go of his hand.
"You need to let go."
"Why so you can leave again?"
"No i'm not going to leave. Im going outside to talk to Bam"
"No you're going to leave me again" i said crying holding onto his hand tighter.
"i'm not."
"You are the minute you step out that door you re going to go run to your car and leave me again. Don't Leave Me." i said almost screaming.

I heard someone come up from behind me then grab me and pull me away.
i started screaming and kicking.
"Let go let Go!!"
"It's going to be okay Vivian, all he is doing is talking to Bam." Raab said.
"No Chris he is going to leave again, i don't want him to leave."
"He's not. "
"He is."
"I'm not Viv. See."
"Johnny!" i squeeled and hugged him.

-Bam's P.O.V.-
I took Knoxville outside to tell him what vivian was like while he was gone. When we were outside i could hear her inside screaming. I told him we decided yesterday we were going to take her to the doctors to see what was wrong with her.

I walked inside.
"Ape, we need to talk"
"Yeah Bam"
"When is her appointment?"
"In a half hour, we should leave now."

i walked out and told knoxville and Vivian we had to leave.

"Okay!" Vivian said. "Oh wait i'll be right back." with that she went upstairs.

Normal P.O.V.-

I havn't taken my pills in about 8 days so i had to take one now.
i walked back downstairs and into the car with knoxville, Bam and Aunt April.
"i'm so happy you are back Johnny."
"Me too Viv, me Too"

i realized we were at a doctors office.
"Oh why are we here? Bam are you hurt?" i asked.
"Uh yeah." we went in and a nurse came out.

"Smith, Vivian Smith." i got up surprised.
"You lied to me Bam. Why do i have a doctors appointment."

i pulled knoxville in with me, and Aunt April and Bam followed.

About an hour later and the doctor came in. And my mom was with him.
"Honey have you been taking your pills?"
"I took one this morning, does that count?"
"have you been taking them before today?"
"No." i said looking down.

"Honey, you know you have to take those, since your father died you've been like this."
"i know."
"you need to take your pills honey, every day."
"i know"
"Uncle Paul died when she was 16." Bam said with a questioning look.

"yeah she's been like this since."
"Wait what are her pills for?" Knoxville asked.
"Ever since Paul died she has this.. this thing, i don't know how to explain it. But i took her to the doctors, he said she has a boarderline form of Schizophrenia and she'd be fine as long as she took those pills. Vivian you idiot why didn't you take those pills?"

"i'm sorry mom."
"It's okay honey, just promise me you will take them from now on."

"Don't worry Mrs. Smith, i'll make sure she does." Knoxville said.
"Okay thanks." She hugged me. "Okay well i have to go back to work, houses to sell, people to see. Bye darling."

"Bye mom."
♠ ♠ ♠
So a lot happens in this chapter. hope you like it.
comments are appreciated.