Love You To Death

Chapter Seventy One

Gerard's POV

Four months later...

Everything was perfect.
I'd told my parents that me and Frank were now "officially" a couple and, to be perfectly honest, they didn't give a shit. My mum almost cracked a smile, but my dad just glared at me like I was a piece of dog shit that he'd just scraped off the bottom of his shoe.
I didn't care, I had Frank, that's all I needed.

Frank got better real quick, I was surprised at how fast the wound healed. Then we both dropped out of school, it wasn't like we would ever need it or the people there. I was glad that I would never have to see Taylor or Jason or any of their stupid friends again.
Of course Mikey was annoyed that we wouldn't ever be going back there because he would have to make new friends and stay away from the scum of the school.
Fortunatly, he did meet a couple of guys who seemed nice enough. Bob and Ray, they'd been at our school since us but I'd never seen them before. That or never aknowledged them.

Now me and Frank were moving.
Moving to another part of New Jersey, not Belleville, we wouldn't be going back there in a hurry.
We were going to some place right in the middle of Jersey, we'd found a nice apartment there and decided we needed to get away.
It was the perfect plan for the perfect new start.
Just for us.
Me and Frank.
Frank and me...

Frank's POV

"Are you sure you wanna do this honey? You can always change your mind."

My mum and I stood at my front door, her arms were resting on my shoulders, a smile spread across her face.
She was trying to make me stay, but it wasn't gonna happen.

"Mum, I want to do this, y'know? I love Gerard so much I can't even explain it. We both want to do this, we need to." I replied, smiling back at her, hoping that I was convincing.

She looked back at me, her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm so proud of you Frankie."

She pulled me into one of my favourite mum-smelling hugs, her arms wrapped tightly around me, not wanting to let me go. I felt the tears stinging my eyes again, curse my unstable emotions.
I pulled away slightly, looking back at her.

"I promise I'll call and everything, I..I'll.."

"Frankie, I trust you. I know you're not a little kid anymore, I'm sure you can look after yourself and Gerard."

She wiped away the tear that had escaped onto my cheek with her finger and smiled again.

Just then, there was a loud beep from the end of the driveway, Gerard was sat in his black car, hands resting on the steering wheel, smiling at me. He waved his hand in a 'hury up' gesture. I shook my head lightly, typical.

"Well, I'll let you go then..." mum said almost reluctantly.

"Mhm...I'm gonna miss you."

"Me too...I love you Frankie."

"Love you too mum." I said, hugging her tightly once more.

I fought back the tears as I walked away down the drive and into the car with Gerard.

"You okay?" he asked as I clicked my seatbelt into place.

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Everything's gonna be great, you'll see." he said. "Shall we go?"

"Yeah." I said smiling.

Gerard leant over to me and pressed his soft lips to mine, my mind went blank and I lost all sense of reality and logical thought. He lightly ran a hand through my hair and rested at the base of my neck, to deepen the angle making my skin tingle and my body shudder at his touch.
He broke away and pressed his nose to mine so we were close enough to be tempted to kiss again.
Then, he moved away still smiling at me and started the car engine.
We pulled out of the drive and along the road into the unknown.

Just me and Gerard.
Us vs. the world...

♠ ♠ ♠
i'm really sad that this story's finished but i can't wait to start writing the sequal
a HUGE HUGE thanks to EVERYONE who has commented this story and made it get 10 stars!!!
=D =D =D =D =D

make sure you read the sequal when i start it (:

thanks again
don't forget to comment one last time (;
