Status: in process


The day I ran into David

The day I met David out of class, I will always remember.

It was Saturday evening.

“Hey Jen, do you want to go out and get coffee?” Donyale asked as she brushed her platinum blonde hair.
“Yes! But it’s my treat.” I said grabbing my wallet.

We listened to the radio as Donyale drove us to Starbucks. As we pulled up into a parking space I noticed some one that looked quite familiar. “Jen are you coming.” Donyale said as she had already gotten out of the car. “Yea…” I said half heartily, still trying to think who that guy was.

Up at the register both Donyale and I order a Grande white chocolate mocha with an extra pump of the chocolate. As we were waiting for our coffees to be made Donyale and I were sitting in the two arm chairs over by a small fire place.

“So have you been looking into the massage therapy school?” Donyale said as she shifted down comfortably into the chair.

“Yea, but so far they haven’t told be about the tuition and when they start up.”

“Ah that sucks…Well what about --“

“TWO WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHAS?!” A lady shouted...

“I'll get them.” Donyale said as she jumped up.

Donyale had been out of her seat for not just a minute before some guy sits down in it. His shaggy brown hair falling was in front of his eyes as he bent over to put down his coffee on the table.

“Um excuse me, but my friend is sitting there.” I said to this guy.

“Hey Jen… Can’t believe you don’t recognize me. It’s me, David from art class.” David said as he lifted his face and his gorgeous frosty gray eyes stared at me.

“Oh, I’m sorry…How are you? I didn’t know you liked coffee.” I said trying to calm down. He is soooooooo good looking, muscular but not big. I was thinking trying to stare back at him but having to look away. David’s chest rumbled with a mind alternating chuckle.

“It is okay. I’m good; well I didn’t know you want to go to massage therapy.” He said coolly then took a drink of his coffee as he relaxed into the chair. He looked away then stood up and pulled up a chair from one of the table to my chair; just as Donyale came back holding our coffees and raising an eyebrow above her light hazel eyes. I looked away blushing.

“Uh Jen are you going to introduce me to your friend?” Donyale asked as she handed me my drink.

“David- Donyale-Donyale –David.” I said softly trying not to blush too much.

David was still standing and put his hand out in front of him to shake her hand
“Good to meet you Donyale.”

“Like wise. I would have wished someone would have told me that we were going to meet someone here.” Donyale looking at me with the stink eye.

“Hey! I didn’t know we were meeting up.” David said sitting down and grinning at me. OHH I’m melting I’m melting!! He needs to stop grinning it’s too much. I thought as the next thing I know, “You don’t need to blush. As much as it’s cute there is no need.” David said as he stopped grinning and was just looking at me. ME CUTE WHAT?!!??

“Ummm…” I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say I looked at Donyale and she just grinned. I know that grin!!! What is she planning on doing?!?!?!

“Well. David it was nice meeting you. I’ll be back. One of my friends just clocked in working behind the counter I’m going to go chat her up. Later.” Donyale grinning like the Cheshire cat, and walked away, OH she is going to get it for leaving me!!!

David watches her leave then looked back at me. “So…You really want to do massage therapy and not art?” I watched him as he looked serious but relaxed.

“Oh well I enjoy both, but I think the massage therapy will get me the money quicker. “ I said with a cheesy grin. David set his cup down right beside mine, then took off his jacket and sat at my feet with his back to me. “Ummm David what are you doing?”

“I want to see if you’re any good giving a massage. Soooooooo--“He didn’t have to say any more.

“Well you’ll owe me then buddy.” I said as I placed my hands on his nice shoulders!!!!! And started to knead the tissue with my finger tips. I felt his back relax and he leaned against my shins and his head rolled forward. So I started to rub the sides of his neck with my knuckles.

We sat there with me massaging his shoulders and neck for what seemed half an hour.
With the occasionally sips of my delicious white chocolate mocha. Then David rolled his head back, his head is basically in my lap!!!! Oh my gosh what do I do!!!!!!! He reached up and grabbed my hand and then said.

“Wow. I think your right about me owing you.” He then let go of my hand and got up stretched out with his arms reaching high into the air and then sat down in the chair beside me.

“Psh…I was kidding about you owing me.” I said smiling.

“Well I’m not kidding. What are you doing tomorrow night?” He said looking right at me.

I swear my breath was no longer there. Is he asking me out?!?!! Say something!!!!

“Uhh--I don’t think I’m doing anything.” I said trying to see if I would wake up from this dream. But thank goodness it’s not a dream.

“Good when we leave here I’ll give you my number and hopefully you’ll give me yours. And we will set something up. Is that okay?” David said as he just sat there, his coffee in his hand

“Oh okay. Yea. Yes that’s okay.” I said trying not to stumble my words. Next thing I know his hand is on my cheek.

“Like I said you look cute when you blush.” David said smirking as he rubbed my check and then my neck! And for some odd reason it seemed like things were moving by my head but it was our heads moving closer together!! I felt our lips touch and felt the warmth the coffee left behind on his lips. Ohhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyy!! He tastes like gooood coffee!!! And uncontrollably I smiled as we kissed causing our lips to go awkward. So we moved an inch back from each other and he just stared into my eyes. “You have beautiful eyes. It’s like looking in the ocean when the sun is setting.”

“Well then I guess I did miss much.” Donyale said as she was standing in front of us. I couldn’t help but blush. “Ha caught ya in the act!” she said grinning. “Well sorry David to take her away from you but we got to get going.” She said as she put on her jacket.

“It’s okay, I need to leave too. It was nice meeting you. Hope to see more of you.” He said shaking her hand. “Hey Jen. So tomorrow?” He said as he grabbed my hand to pull me up.

“Yea?” now nervous he was just saying it to be nice.

“Call me. So I know how to get to your house.” He said as he pushed a folded piece of paper in my back pocket.

“Of course.” As soon as those words where out of my mouth his covered mine and he gave me a hug making me feel like I’m melting like butter in hot weather.

“Bye. Call me tonight please.” He whispered in my ear. He then let go grabbed his jacket and coffee gave me one more hug and kiss and shook Donyale’s hand and then he was out the door.

I will always remember Saturday evening. For one main reason it's what started our life together.
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please let me know if i should continue?? and maybe give me suggestions