

"Veda?" she heard his familiar voice call, and when she turned to see him, her heart broke into a sprint. He was the most handsome almost-seventeen year old she'd ever laid eyes on, and though she was young, Veda was almost certain she was in love.

Dashing as always was Damon Salvatore, the object of young Veda's affection, approaching her with a devastating smile tugging at his lips. He was dressed in the finest of three-piece suits, the coat stark and black against the crisp white shirt and neutral slate-gray trousers.

"Damon!" she called, grinning widely when she answered.

"I've been looking all over for you, Miss Veda. The Founder's Day festival is going to begin soon. Are you still going to accompany me?" he was still smiling playfully when he reached her, touching her smooth skin with his fingertips. She shivered and flushed red, suddenly bashful under his touch.

"Of course. I was just getting some air," she explained, and he gazed at her for a long time, brushing her cheek again. Damon watched as she blushed again, and couldn't keep his smile from growing.

"It's so precious, seeing you blush every time I touch you. I wonder if I'll ever get used to it?" he thought out loud, and Veda didn't know what to say, so she stayed silent.

"We should go. We wouldn't want to be late, would we?" Damon suggested, and Veda nodded, taking his offered arm. Before they started toward the party, Damon leaned in, pressing his lips softly to Veda's. She responded the way he'd hoped she would; by returning the kiss enthusiastically. When they parted, Damon smirked, and Veda proceeded to turn red in the face once more.

After arriving at the festival, the couple danced and watched the fireworks with the rest of the town. The evening was going marvelously, and neither Veda nor Damon would have rather spent it with anyone but each other. They hadn't told a soul yet, but the two planned to be married. Damon had almost slipped and told his brother, but he held back for Veda's sake. Damon loved her with all of his heart, and she returned the favor.

But when Veda excused herself to use the little girl's room, things went terribly awry.

As soon as young, naive Damon set his sights on the mysterious girl across the yard, he was doomed. She batted her eyelashes, and almost immediately things started to fall apart.

Her name was Katherine, and she was a rare beauty, new in town and looking for entertainment. What Damon didn't know was that Katherine was a vampire, and that his younger brother Stefan had already been victimized by her.

Veda could do nothing as Katherine stole the only thing she had wanted in life, the only thing she needed to survive. As Damon became blinded by Katherine's unnatural powers of attraction, Veda swore on her own life that she would have him again one day, or she would seek her revenge on the evil whore that stole the love of her life.

And eventually, she would.

One way or another.
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I like Damon.
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