Status: cancelled

Scream to Be Heard, Like You Needed Any More Attention


Ember's P.O.V.

I was driving down the road only a few miles away from my destination, blasting a mixed cd of All Time Low and many of my other favorite bands. My heart pounding hard in my chest.

The Party Scene by All Time Low came flowing through the speakers, I'd have to say under any other circumstances I would be happy because this is one of my all time favorite songs by them but right now, it just reminded me more of where I was going and why I had to in the first place.

Gosh. Why the he.ll am i so nervous?...Oh yeah that's right, my best friend just basically went to rehab and I haven't seen her since. Now I was on my way to get her after what seemed to be forever, of course i'm going to be nervous...and all those times, I never even noticed what was going on...


"Riley! Get your ass over here!" I called to her with no reply might I add. I had been looking for her everywhere. It was then that I spotted her, making out with some random dude I doubt she had even met before.

She didn't even bother to look up even though I knew she could hear me. I reached her and seeing as screaming at her didn't work, I did pretty much the only thing I could do, I reached out and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt.

She separated from the guy who just shrugged his shoulders and walked away as I began yelling at her.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I half-yelled at her.

"Nothing." She rolled her eyes and Began to walk in the opposite direction of me.

"Yeah right, you know know damn well that I don't believe that." I grabbed her arm, and spun her around to face me. She out her hands on her hips and looked at me like I was bothering her. With the way she looked as she was walking away before I turned her around, it was obvious she had had a few drinks in the time it took me to find her.

"What," She tried to look innocent, and I wasn't buying it at all. "I was just having some harmless fun." She fake pouted.

"Harmless fun my ass! You do this all the freaking time! And you know what? You don't even know half these guys! One of them could be a freaking pedophile and you can't seem to grasp that!" I was getting fired up now, mostly because I hate seeing her like this. Seeing her throw herself at guys only to never see them again. And all the drinking too...

She sighed and rolled her eyes once again. "You know this is my life, and I don't seem to remember you everbecoming my mother. God, you're so freaking uptight."

"Well you know what? I may be uptight, but I sure as hell am glad that I'm not your mother right now." I looked her straight in the eyes. "And what is all this for anyway? All because of one stupid guy, you're throwing yourself at tons of other ones. And for what? To feel loved? Cause I sure as hell know that you do as well as me, that all of this /love/ you're after, doesn't mean anything." I spat at her.

She looked taken aback, that I was even paying that much attention to the situation. Her eyes were wide and she just stood there, her mouth agape.

~end Flashback~

That was the night I decided she needed help. It had been going on too long for me to take it any longer. So I had her sent here and now here I was walking up the walkway to rehab, to see the friend I missed sol dearly, in hopes, that she was better now, back to her old self.

I grasped the handle to the front door and took a deep breath, as I stepped through to see her, my heart beating a mile a minute.