‹ Prequel: Bombshell
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I Don't Believe You

I sat on the edge of Oliver’s bed watching him sleep. It was a strange thing we did, for some reason. I knew he watched me sleep, so why would he mind if I did?

I was preparing to break the boy’s heart. I tried to tell myself that he deserved it, after all look how he did me, but it wasn’t working. I didn’t want too. I tried to make myself want too but I couldn’t…

I reached over and brushed his hair from his eyes. Oli smiled in his sleep and my heart shattered. This was me trying to be cavalier. I didn’t want to drag him and everyone else into my problems and risk their lives. Which they were doing by just being my friend. I shook my head, this isn’t right. It shouldn’t be this way.

I suppose this is God’s way of punishing me for even being involved with Eddie. I went chasing after a love that was made of plastic so fake and shiny I knew it was bogus from the second I laid eyes on it, and he took the only true love I’d ever experienced. It’s not fair.

I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up, preparing to leave when I noticed a familiar face staring back at me. Lola.

“I saw your bags by the door and I wanted to ask what you were doing.” She said in her sweet tone of voice.

I shrugged, still wiping the tears away, “I’m leaving.”

Her stance became stern, “No! You can’t!”

I pushed my way past her and closed the door behind me. I pulled my coat over my shoulders.

“No, I have too. It doesn’t matter if I can or not.” I said, standing in the middle of the living room.

She frowned, “Why? Brooke, this doesn’t make sense. Don’t go.”

I never answered her, I just went for the door. Lola dropped her glass of water and ran into Oliver’s room. I heard her panicked words as I slammed the door behind me.

I walked out of the apartment building and onto the street. The cold air hit me like a ton of bricks, I went to walk away but the same tattooed man that had always saved me was there once again. Like superman.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Oliver hissed through clenched teeth. I’m not sure if he was that angry of if he was trying to keep them from chattering because he had no shirt or shoes on.

“I’m saving your ass.” I yelled, trying to jerk my arm free of his death grip. Resistance was futile.

His eyebrows furrowed and I knew at that instant that he was confused. I stopped fighting him.

“I don’t want anything to happen to you guys because of me.” I whispered, the instant my words hit his eardrums he wrapped his arms around me. My tears dropped onto Oliver’s bare shoulder.

“Shh, nothing’s going to happen to us.” He said reassuring me. But we both knew that it wasn’t true. Just as sure as I was standing there we were in danger. Yet I didn’t fight him.

I didn’t want to leave, but I had to try one last time.

“I want to go, Oli. I just…I want to leave.” I whispered, in hopes that he wouldn’t hear me but at least I could say that I tried.

“I don’t believe you.” He replied before he let go of me and led me back into the building.
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Sorry they've been short lately. You should leave me comments because I'm working my ass off to keep this up and my school up. And if you don't comment then I'm going to stop doing this, it's not worth it if no one cares.
