‹ Prequel: Bombshell
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The Star That I Can't See

“Why did you do that?” I asked, sitting next to Brook on the end of my bed.

She sighed and ran her hands through her hair, “I told you, I don’t want to drag you into this and I just…I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you because of me.”

“If Eddie does come after me because of you then it’s fucking worth it Brooke. Don’t act like that.”

She sniffled, I was so angry it didn’t matter that she was crying. I was tripping over her every word and busting my ass for her, just to have this happen.

“I’m sorry Oli…” She attempted an apology but ‘I’m sorry’ wouldn’t cut it this time.

“No, Brooke, you don’t understand. I love you and you try to run from me? Don’t try to play the martyr…you don’t have to anymore. I don’t care what Eddie could, would or is doing. We can’t spend our time worrying about something that might never happen.“ I sighed, “I just want us to be normal.”

My knee bounced anxiously. Brooklyn reached over and rested her hand on my knee. My jittering leg instantly became still.

I’m your fool.

Once my leg stopped moving she put her hands on either side of my face, making me look at her. Her face was calm, almost solemn. She was the most beautiful creature I’d ever laid eyes on. No matter how confusing her motives were, she was flawless.

“I love you too Oliver. I won’t ever run from you.” She whispered the sweet words that made me want to cry. I wanted to burst into tears and expose every crooning word my heart was singing; but society wouldn’t allow me too.

I smiled and my cheeks rose causing her hands to move, “You better not.”

She stood up from the bed, straightened her shirt out and pulled the ribbon from her hair. Her long brown locks fell over her shoulder. She smiled and ran her hands through her hair. I watched every move she made with hungry eyes.

Once she was done getting comfortable, at least I’m guessing that’s what she was doing. She motioned for me to move my hands from my lap. I did as she wanted, she sat on my lap so that she was facing me. Her legs were on either side of us.

“We could get away for a while…” She said, brushing the hair out of my eyes to reveal the confused look I was giving her.


“You’re going to America?” Tom asked, a smile on his rosy cheeked face.

I nodded, “I thought we should just lay low for a while.”

Tom scoffed, “Lay low? Since when have you ever had the capability to ‘lay low’?”

“Since I had a damn good reason too.” I replied with a sharp tone attached to the words.

He just shook his head, “Have you told mum yet?”

“No, but it doesn’t matter what she thinks.” I said before taking a drink of the beer that was sweating in my hand eagerly.

“You better hope so.” Tom said.

Honestly? I didn’t give two fucks what the hell the old bat had to say. It wasn’t her life to live.
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It's back on guys. Just comment, please?
I'm el stressed and it helps motivate me if I get comments.

: ] ily and sorry to scare you like that rachellee, no need to eat me now. natalive is probably what made me come back to this, i was seriously going to drop it but she talked some sense into me lol!