‹ Prequel: Bombshell
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Farewell and Goodnight

I stepped into the bar, the door made a slight ding as the door opened. It was filled with men who seemed to be seeking the same release I was. I sat down on a stool at the bar. The bartender wiped down the counter as he made his way to me.

“What can I get you?” He asked as he slung the towel over his shoulder.

“Jack.” Was all I said, fortunately, he knew enough about the human male to understand the cure for relationship issues. Jack Daniels is our counselor, he’s the best in town and costs a hell of a lot less.

The African American man sat a shot glass in front of me and poured the amber liquid in. I quickly drank the shot, my throat burned but it was like cauterizing a wound.

He smiled, “You look rough.”

I laughed sarcastically, “You have no idea.”

“Girl problems?” He asked as he wiped the already clean counter.

The men in the bar had began to clear out, going back to their wives, dead end jobs or back to the streets to beg for money to come back tomorrow.

I nodded and pushed the glass towards him, signaling that I needed another shot of ignorance.

“Let me guess, her family doesn’t like you.” He said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Apparently he knew how it felt.

I explained everything, how I saved Brooklyn from Eddie and a shameful career, how her mother acted, how I was scared of Eddie…literally everything.

He nodded, “She stood up for you didn’t she? She loves you man, fuck her family, they’re not what matters. It’s you and her. That’s what matters. Me and my wife, we‘ve been together for 25 years. I love that woman more than anything but we‘ve had our fair share of ups and downs. Don‘t think there won‘t be, but every one of them is worth it. I‘m working this shitty-ass job to pay the rent for us. We‘ve never done anything but scrape by but I still love her as much as I ever did.”

I stared into the empty shot glass and a smile crept to my face, “You’re right.”

“Now, that’ll be 20 bucks for the shots and 50 for the priceless advice.” He said then laughed.

I laughed and handed him a fifty, “You can keep the change.”

It wasn’t much but I hoped it would help him, because he just saved my relationship.


It began to thunder just as I stepped through the door. I pulled my shiny black shoes off and tip-toed through the pool house. Brooklyn lay sleeping on the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed next to her. Her eyes flickered open, I brushed the hair from her face.

She smiled, “You came back.”

“Of course, I did.” I said then kissed her.

“I was scared you wouldn’t.”

“I’ll always come back.” I whispered.

She sat up, her hair fell over her shoulder. I put my hand on her cheek. She smiled that signature smile that made my heart and spine melt.

“You shouldn’t listen to grandad, he’s senile.” She said with a tiny laugh.

I shrugged, my hand fell from her cheek, “Listen, I promise you that as long as I’m here on this Earth I will take care of you. I don’t care what that means, I love you. You’re my girl. I’d die before I wouldn’t take care of you.”

Brooklyn smiled and kissed me. That time, she fixed everything with a kiss. The touch of her lips to mine soothed my conflicted heart and set it straight.

She should bottle that stuff.