‹ Prequel: Bombshell
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Guiding Light

I did miss her. She was one of the few people on the earth who truly loved me…or at least I think she did. She probably hates me now. I didn’t hate her.

I threw the blankets back on my bed and slithered under the blankets. Once again, alone. I pulled the spare pillow close to my stomach. Often I would pretend it was her sleeping next to me, but that gets old.

I drifted off to sleep, hoping tomorrow I would forget about her or find a solution.


I woke to the smell of food cooking. I tossed the blankets off of me and into the floor. I sat up, my barefeet colliding with the ice cold floor. I walked out of my room and into the kitchen.

“Morning, Oli.” Lola’s expression was bright and cheerful.

“What’s that smell?” I asked, sniffing the air.

She smiled, “Breakfast, I actually cooked.”

I sat down at the table, not caring that I was shirtless and about to eat pancakes.

“So…Curtis called for some reason.” She said as she flipped the last pancake onto the plate she had sitting beside the stove. It was piled high with pancakes. She picked the plate up and sat it on the table that was already set and the syrup sitting ready.

Matt stumbled from their bedroom, his hair a wild mess.

“Why the hell did he call?” I asked as I picked up my fork and impaled two pancakes.

She pulled a chair out and sat in it, “He wanted to talk to you. I didn’t ask why.”

Matt rolled his eyes as he sat down opposite me.

I virtually inhaled the food.

“Rub-a-dub-dub, thanks for the grub.” Matt said as he rubbed his stomach.

I laughed then stood up from the table. I grabbed the cordless phone on the way to my bedroom. I sat down in the chair at my desk and dialed Curtis’s number frantically.

It rang a few times before he answered.


“Why did you call.” I demanded.

“Have you heard from Brooke?” He said, my stomach lurched.


He sighed, “I can’t find her and she won’t answer my calls.”

“No, she hasn’t called me.” I replied, guilt weight on me like a ton of bricks. I knew what I was doing though.

“Oh,” He replied, he sounded sad.

“If I hear from her I’ll call.” That was a lie too.

“Thanks man. I’m just worried.”

“She’ll turn up.”

“Alright, bye.” He said abruptly then hung up. I got the feeling he was about to burst into tears.

I hung up and laid the phone down on the bed.
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Like it? I'm not going to do the entire thing in Oli's point of view. There will be some parts in other people's view.

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