‹ Prequel: Bombshell
Status: comment because you love it!


Authors Note

I realize that the moderator's or whatever say that we shouldn't post authors notes here but I thought it was necessary. I owe you guys an apology. I made a list; hehe.

1.) Sorry for ending the story on short notice.
2.) Sorry for threatening that everytime I turn around. You guys are such good readers and I shouldn't treat you like that.
3.) I don't blame you if you don't read it anymore.
4.) I'm a tempermental person, I got offended by someone's comment when I shouldn't have and I'm sorry for that. I was pissed off and I've gotten better about apologizing and trying not to be hateful to people in real life and I suppose I just realized that it applies to internet friends as well. Haha.
5.) This story is far from over and I have a lot more to say about it. I hope you will continue reading and comment and subscribe.
6.) I can't apologize enough. : ]
7.) I feel like this is a press release.

So, here's to continuing the story, amazing readers and to Oli and Brooke.