‹ Prequel: Bombshell
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Big Bang Baby

“You know what, “ I sighed. Matt sat across from me in the booth, he had a cold beer in his hand.

“Nope, I don’t know what.” He said with a goofy smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and exhaled a laugh.

“I should just forget her.” I said, disheartened. I wanted her so badly but I don’t believe she’s the same Brooke I knew.

“There you go!” Matt said excitedly.

I’m not sure if it just struck me at that moment or if it had just been bubbling under the surface my entire life, but disappointment is real. And it’s the people you love the most who will let you down the hardest.

I spent the rest of the night drinking and gawking, trying my best to avert my eyes from Brooklyn’s gyrating hips. After a few shots that wasn’t so hard anymore.


I was nervous, my hand shook as I dressed backstage. I pulled my straight brown hair into a ponytail and looked myself over in the mirror.

I wasn’t doing this by choice, I hadn’t done anything by choice since…well, I shouldn’t think about that right now. I shook my head, trying to shake myself free of discouraging thoughts.

The stage was nestled between two poles. I knew they were going to be here tonight, I just didn’t know it was going to be this nerve wrecking.

“Get yer ass out there Brooke.” The club manager demanded. I swallowed hard and walked onto the stage. My high heels clicked against the shiny black floor.

My now confident eyes met Oliver’s mischievous ones. I might as well have swallowed all my fear and anxiety and replaced it with confidence, because anything but wouldn’t have mattered. I smiled a crooked smile, he quickly finished his drink, sat the glass down and picked up his mic.

“Evenin’, we’re bring me the horizon.” He said, at that point all I could think of is how glad I was that Curtis left the band.

I put my hand on the shiny silver pole and walked around it a few times before jumping and wrapping my legs around it.

Oliver kept glancing at me as he performed. Every layer of clothing I shed the harder he stared with lust filled eyes. With the last song I was down to my black underwear. Oli smiled, at me.

I hopped off of the pole and walked into the back. I grabbed my long pea coat, wrapped it around me and headed outside. I dug for the cigarettes in my pockets, I eventually found them. I pulled one from the pack, pressed it between my lips and lit it. The sweet nicotine filled my lungs.

“That’s a bad habit.” That smooth familiar…British voice said from behind me.

I smiled, exhaling smoke, “I realize that.”

Oliver stood beside me, as tattooed and beautiful as ever. He had his hands stuffed into the pockets of his skinny jeans.

“So, are you gonna ask me or what?” I asked playfully, trying to break the ice.

He looked side to side, “Okay, why are you stripping?”

I shrugged and avoided the whole truth, “I needed the money.”

“Couldn’t you have gotten a job as a waitress? Or hell, I would have found you a job, Brooke. This, this is demeaning. You deserve better.” He started the sentence angry, and by the end he sounded defeated.

“But that would require you actually talking to me. Seems like you don’t want to do much of that lately.” I snapped, he deserved it though. I admit, it was flattering that he cared but that’s it.

My hands began to shake and I knew I’d have to leave soon. Luckily, I still had a lunch break.
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Sorry it's been a while, life's been hectic and I got writers block for a few days.
That's great you guys! I love all of you! : ]