‹ Prequel: Bombshell
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My Curse

I spent the morning slouched in my chair arguing with Matt. He insisted that I didn’t go with Brooke to Eddie’s to get her stuff but the only think I could picture was the back of his greasy hand colliding with the side of her beautiful face. I cringed at the thought.

“Don’t go.” Matt spoke his words of warning with an afflicting tongue.

“Then what am I suppose to do?” I replied angrily.

Brooklyn and Lola went out for lunch, after we pretty much forced her too. She needed to get out and do normal things. Plus, Lola wanted to go this girly café she’d discovered but could never convince me, Matt or anyone else to go with her.

Matt sighed and slumped in his chair. The ice cold beer he drank half of sat on the table, beads of condensation running down the side. Tonight called for beer.

“I’ll go with you, get her to give us the keys and she can stay here.” He said then ran a hand through his shaggy hair.

I took a long drink of my beer, “I don’t know…”

“Listen, if me and you go and Eddie just so happens to be there, we can tell him that we’re movers or something and not put Brooke in danger but if she goes with you. And Eddie is there, then he’s going to kill you both.

My lips formed a tight line as I mentally protested his suggestion. I knew he was right though.


Brooklyn returned with a bright smile on her face. The dress she wore made her complexion seem warmer. I liked it.

“Hey!” I greeted Brooke and Lola as they walked into the apartment.

“Hello, Oli.” Lola said, glancing around the room, “Where’s Matt?” She asked when she noticed he wasn’t there.

I shrugged, “I think he said he was going to Vegan’s or something like that.”

“Okay.” She replied, sitting her bag on the counter and heading into the living room.

Brooke smiled at me, her smile was almost breath taking, “Hi.” She whispered.

“I know you just got here but do you want to go for a walk with me?” I asked as I pulled my jacket over my shoulders. She looked side to side, making her decision.

“Sure, it’s nice out.” Brooklyn said, her tone of voice pleasant.

We walked out of the building and onto the street. We walked for a minute before I brought up the courage to talk to her about what I intended to.

“Me and Matt going to get your stuff tomorrow and I don’t want you to go with us.” I spat the words out like they were hot coals.

She stopped in her tracks, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

I put my hand on the small of her back to encourage her to begin walking again. She hesitated before doing as I wanted.

“Why?” I asked, slightly offended by her tone of voice.

“You don’t know Eddie, he’s not one to be fucked with. I don’t want you…or Matt to get hurt. I mean it.” She warned.

I narrowed my eyes and scoffed, “Why should I be afraid of him? I mean what kind of man can he be to pick a fight with a woman. He’s got to be a pussy.”

The expression on her face said it all. I didn’t need to hear her yelling or stern warnings to understand that she meant what she said.

“He’s a dealer, Oli, he’s not gonna be fucked over by you and Matt.”

“A dealer? And by that I hope you mean he sells cars.” I said then winced, waiting for her to confirm my worst fear.

She laughed a little, “Drugs are the complete opposite of cars.”

It scared me to think of her in a place like that. We walked for a while in silence before coming to a park. Brooklyn grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. She sat on a bench that faced the water and pulled me down next to her. Silence consumed us.


Oliver squirmed in his seat, I took quick notice that he was uncomfortable.

“What’s wrong?” I half said, half laughed.

He smiled halfheartedly, “I need to ask you a question.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Shoot.”

“Why were you with Eddie? I mean you’re not on drugs, why would you like him?” He asked, his eyebrows raised.

It was something I never wanted to relive. I didn’t want to lie to him and avoiding the truth is lying.

I took a deep breath and prepared to exhale the words I never wanted to reach the air. They were like a flammable chemical, bound to burst into flames as soon as they touched oxygen.

“We used to get along just fine because I was on drugs too. I quit a few months ago, it was the hardest thing I‘ve ever done. It‘s why I wanted to leave…I don‘t want that life for myself.”

I watched him intently waiting for an answer. He never said a word, just reached over and took my hand in his.
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Good God you guys, i love this story. Sorry if it's too dramatic. It will all make sense, i promise. Pardon me if i get all stiff as a writer. I'm taking a writing class and it's draining me. It's four days a week for two and a half hours and it's slowly draining me of all life...
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