‹ Prequel: Bombshell
Status: comment because you love it!



As soon as the door closed Oliver’s distress became audible.

“I don’t want you to live by yourself.” He said an authoritative tone to his voice.

“I don’t want to live here and be a burden.” I replied quickly.

He laughed, “Stop with the pity party Brooke.”


“You don’t have to be all strong and shit. I saw that place and I understand. God almighty, I wanted to choke him.” He said, his fists clenched at his side. I grabbed his hand and made him sit next to me, his pacing was making me nervous. You could clearly tell the boy was a nervous wreck.

“Calm down, I’m not pretending. I just don’t want sympathy and you contradicted yourself back there. I’m not throwing myself a pity party and living here will be a last resort because I don’t want to ask that of you.”

He looked at me, “I miss how we used to be.”

I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder, “I miss it too.”

“I was so disgusted by him. He was there by the way, he came in when we were about to leave. He said you were his leftovers. I wanted to kill him.” He said, his hands buried in his hair.

My heart began racing, I knew Eddie he couldn’t keep his mouth closed. He liked to provoke people.

“What did he say?” I said angrily.

Oliver’s eyes darted from me to any inanimate object he could focus on. I knew he was preparing to lie. He sighed, his chest heaving as he did so.

“He told me that he would find you and take you back.” He said, barely audible.

I scoffed, “He’s not going to take me anywhere.”

Oli smiled a small smile, “I’m not worried about you leaving, I’m worried about him taking you. You know, as in steal.”

It worried me too, but what am I supposed to do? I can’t go up to him and be like ‘Listen, you’re not taking me anywhere.’ There’s nothing I can do about it. But that wasn’t what was at the front of my mind. Right there dead center were his words on repeat: ‘You know, as in steal.’

I smiled and kept the precious words buried inside my heart, for fear that if I brought it up he would confirm my suspicion that it was merely a slip of the tongue.

“What’s he going to do Oli?” I asked but neither of us really wanted to answer that because we knew what he could do.

He never spoke just looked at me with those fear filled eyes. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder.


I peeked around the corner and into the kitchen. Brooklyn stood in the kitchen dancing, her hands flailing goofily, her legs were moving spastically, all to the sound of Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. I laughed quietly. She looked happy, a way I hadn't seen her since our 'reunion'. Her hair was put up in a bun on the top of her head, she wore sweatpants and one of my shirts which swallowed her.

I stepped into the kitchen after planning my next clever move. She stopped dancing when she saw me. She laughed, her cheeks turning red.

“You saw that didn’t you?” She asked, biting her lip so she wouldn’t smile.

“Every bit of it.” I said, never hiding my smile.

“Sorry,” She apologized, staring at her feet.

“Can I ask a favor?”

She looked up at me, her head turned to the side like a confused puppy, “What?”

“Can I dance with you?”

Her eyes lit up, “You want to dance with me?”

I smiled and nodded, which caused her to smile. She ran over and changed the song, it switched to ‘Undisclosed Desires’ by Muse. My heart fluttered at the tone of the song. It had the beat of a rap song but it wasn’t.

Brooklyn grabbed my hand and placed it on her hip. She placed one hand on my shoulder while the other held my hand tightly in hers. She pulled me close to her, my hips colliding with hers. My heart began racing.

She smiled, “Just follow me.”

“I’ll try,” I exhaled nervously.

She stepped backwards and I did as she did. Soon we were moving around the kitchen in small flawless moves. The song changed and a slow song took it’s place. She slowed her steps to match the tempo of the song. She wrapped her arms around my neck and our faces crept towards each other. I could feel her hot breath on my face, it sent shivers down my spine but it never phased me. The warm metal of her lip rings brushed against my lips. My hands shook in anticipation. I placed one of my hands on the back of her neck.

“Heyy!!” Lola said as she burst into the room causing Brooke and I to fly apart.

Lola’s cheeks turned red, “Oh, sorry for interrupting.” She smiled.

“You didn’t interrupt anything.” Brooklyn said with a small laugh.

Yeah right, like it was nothing. I wanted to kiss her so bad it hurt. My ego was wounded.

“Oh, anyways, I wanted to speak with you guys about a party…” Lola began, letting the thoughts pour from her brain in a mess of happy squeals and girly details that I cared nothing about. However, I did care about how I was just about to kiss the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, the girl that I’d been dying to kiss since the moment I saw her, and I got interrupted because of a party. The entire world could wait for all I cared, nothing was more important to me than her.

I miss you girl, you‘re all that makes me true.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wanted to have a lighthearted moment. : ]
Next one is going to be excellennnttt/happy.
It's time to party and we'll party hard.

Thanks to these folks for commenting:
rosetta [even though she didn't comment but she's on here because i love her!]

And thanks to the 68 subscribers! : ]