Musically Inclined

Walking On Air

Notes cascade up and down, riding the air as they tumble and reach listening ears, fading away as they reach their destination. Each note follows another, picking up a slow rhythm as fingers nimbly make the chords, pressing down on each piano key in succession.

Zexion stops playing for a moment, a finger raised above a key before sighing in frustration, pulling his hands away from the baby grand. He looked at the sheets of music displayed on the piano, the notes he scribbled neat and precise. They stopped near the middle of the right page, the note hung in the lines on the paper. The song wasn't quite finished, and he needed, wanted to finish it.

Pages of notes had been scribbled down from listening to the song he had found a few days earlier. The cello mixed in with the piano was simply beautiful, and he knew he needed to play it for her. The song described the feelings he had for her perfectly, and the notes had a light airy feel to them.

It was as if you were walking on air and found a cloud to sit on, the ninth cloud your resting destination.

This was how he felt every time he was around her, and he knew he had to express it to her in some way. Zexion was an avid reader, and writer, but he knew words sometimes just didn't cut it, even if they were heartfelt. That's when Demyx, his best friend, suggested that Zexion play the piano for her.

Zexion knew how to play the piano, but didn't have the best singing voice. He could carry a tune and sing along with others, but by himself he felt that he would lack a certain something to keep the listener's attention. He found at one point that he was gifted with reading notes, and that married with nimble fingers was the perfect concoction to play the piano.

So here he was, trying his hardest to get the song done. He was almost finished, the last few notes he was having trouble with figuring out on the piano. He knew he would figure it out eventually. Listening to the last few parts of the song certainly helped, as it was helping him piece together the notes.

He brushed his fingers on the keys, setting up the rhythm to reach the part he had been working on, the tension in the song building until it released, and Zexion grinned as he kept going, playing along with the mp3 player in his ears until the very end.

It was a eureka moment, and he needed to write down the notes for future reference. He played the ending again, but slower, writing down notes between playing until all of the notes were written down.

The easy part was over and done. Now came the hard part: playing it for her. For Larythzza.

Demyx said he would call her to come over to his house when Zexion was done, so he could play it for her. The piano and any other musical instrument you could think of was at Demyx's house. The best acoustics for the piano were in the living room, as was where Zexion was sitting as he finished the song.

Hearing the lack of piano playing, Demyx shouted from the kitchen, "Do you need me to call her now?" Shuffles of feet were heard as the bronze haired man poked his head into the room, awaiting Zexion's answer.

He nodded. "Yes, I need you to call her." He moved a piece of his slate colored hair away from his face as he looked at the other man, a wide grin spread across Demyx's face.

"She's going to love it Zexion, don't you worry," Demyx chimed as he waltzed over to the phone, dialing Larythzza's number. Pleasantries were spoken once she answered the phone, and Demyx got right to the point in asking her to come over, that Zexion wanted to show her something. A few moments later the phone was hung up, and Demyx said, "She'll be here in a matter of minutes."

Zexion smiled, though he immediately got nervous in expressing his feelings like this. They had always gotten along, and he felt that they had the same personality sometimes. He didn't want to ruin what they already had, but yet there was something nagging in his head, wanting to know if she felt the same as he did.

The doorbell rang.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Zexion got up from the bench and walked towards the door.

Demyx not so mysteriously disappeared into his room to give the pair privacy.

Zexion opened the door and ushered Larythzza in. Once he closed the door, she sat her purse on the dining table near the door.

"So," she asked, looking around the room, and then at him. "Why was I summoned?"

Zexion put a hand on the small of her back, leading her towards the baby grand piano. "I wanted to play you something, Lar," he explained, sitting down on the bench beside her. "I heard this song and it expressed how I feel about our relationship perfectly, and it also made me think of you."

He held down the blush that threatened to reveal itself as he turned his attention to the sheets of music, and the piano. He didn't dare look at her, scared at what her reaction was at what he just said. He decided to just play, and then see her reaction then.

So he did. The notes, the feelings he felt, everything lain out on the table for her to see. His fingers moved about the piano fluidly, through the climax, through everything.

His finger lain down on the last note, the note ringing in the air. He rested his hands on the tips of the keys as he turned to her, hoping his hands weren't shaking out of nerves.

Her eyes were filled with wonder and adoration as she stared at the keys of the piano, her gaze leaving the keys, fixating on his face. "That was beautiful, Zexion," she breathed, a slight pink to her face. She leaned over and wrapped her arms around his neck, forcing him to turn slightly in accommodation at the hug. "Do you like me?" she asked tentatively, her breath ghosting his neck.

Red pooled his face as he answered, "Yes."

He felt her smile against his neck, and she moved and brushed her lips against his. He kissed back softly, and she pulled away, bringing her mouth close to his ear.

"I like you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
1,113 words. <3
I enjoyed writing this.
Comments are loved.