With This Gun.

Chapter 12.

I couldn’t believe it. I’d killed two people and I was unstoppable. I had to control myself. Every time I heard someone about to pass by, I held my breath. I didn’t want to lose control again. I didn’t want to be this monster. For a few days I didn’t breathe, or come out of my room.

After 4 days of laying down on my bed and imagining what would’ve happened if I’d never tried blood. I took a breath as someone passed by. Nothing. No thirst, no savageness, just nothing. That’s all it took was a few days of no drinking.

I knew how I wanted to live now. What I wanted to do when I got to Europe. I jumped out of my bed and ran out of the door. Almost running into a couple, but quickly stopped and disappeared from their sight.

I had to ask. I ran into the Captain’s Quarters. He didn’t see me coming until I stopped right in front of him. He looked startled and then completely calm. I answered his question before he even asked. Asking him when we would get to Europe.

He pondered and I knew before he spoke. I was half way out the door when he said his answer. Two more days. Only two days. I had to preoccupy myself for that long. Even though time went faster for me than everyone else. Being excited made it seem relatively slow.

I wandered around the ship even more. Picking information worth using out of everybody’s head. My old obsession was coming back. Again I wanted to know everything. That’s the whole reason I was going to Europe anyway.

Today was the only day I’d noticed the weather. It was bright, sunny and probably about to give me a headache if I stayed too long. But I didn’t care. I went back to the deck, regretting the last time I went here.

I sat on a chair and stared at the sea, not really paying attention to it. I was still picking information out of people’s minds. I hadn’t paid attention to anything that was happening on this voyage. I stood up, my head starting to hurt badly, and walked back to my room. Only two days.