Walking Contradiction


The agreement was unspoken and within seconds, Billie and Naima were alone in the lounge room, while Mike made up his famous hang-over curing smoothie and Trè made up Naima’s bed so she could sleep, and pulled a large armchair into the room, piling it with blankets for Billie Joe.
Billie crouched in front of Naima and finally coaxed the bottle away from her, after about ten minuted she allowed him to touch her, and her swept some hair out of her face lightly with his finger tips. She stammered slightly in objection before giving into his tender touch.

“Come on Naima.” Billie said, picking her up, and carrying her to her bedroom.

“N..no.” She stuttered out, “don’t leave me.” She whispered clutching close to him. Billie looked down at her, she looked so helpless, pitiful almost, his heart bled for her.

“Hush hush.” He soothed as they passed Trè entering her room. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He breathed softly, laying her onto her bed before pulling the covers up around her.

She fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow and he left the room, to find his two best friends in the world standing there worriedly.

“Thanks guys.” He said simply, gratitude overwhelming his tone.

“Anytime.” They replied in unison, and the three hugged each other.

“You guys should head home, I’ll stay with her.” Billie said, Trè and Mike knew better than to protest and simply nodded.

“Call us in the morning mate.” Mike said before they turned and left. Billie watched them go before walking back into the room, curling up underneath a blanket on the armchair and watching her intently as she slept.

“Beautiful…” He whispered almost silently.