Status: :D A summer story!

Breaking Electricity

a walk to remember.

My dad called John and I in for dinner just after we had finished gathering the cows. The walk from the barn to our house was around twenty minutes long and I knew there was going to be an awkward silence, but I figured John would be the one to break it. I was still asking myself what my story was. When I didn't know, how could I tell him? I already sounded like a loser because I don't have any friends, so did I really need to tell him the worst parts? That I don't have real parents and that the only person I could ever consider my friend was my brother? I decided not to.

"What movie do you want to watch?" He asked as we approached the back door of the house. I could see my father setting the table and waving a magazine at the smoke alarm. I chuckled to myself, and then realized I hadn't answered John's question. "Romantic comedy, horror, comedy, spoof?"

"I don't care," I sighed. "Just - not Twilight, please."

"Team Edward or Team Jacob?"

I rolled my eyes and sat down with my father and John at the table. I gave him a look and sighed, "Team McLovin."

He only smiled and then started digging into his food while I looked at the two men sitting at the table with me. They were eating like pigs while I just stared at my food. I wasn't hungry. And my dad had made salmon. I hate salmon. He must be trying to impress John.

"Dad, you know I hate salmon."


"So why make it?" I pouted while John smiled at me. My dad only shrugged and pointed at my food. "Fine."

After dinner John and I were doing the dishes, and there was a comfortable silence. I would wash while he would dry, occasionally splashing me with water. I didn't like his flirting. I turned me off a little bit.

When we finished, we made our way into the living room, and John went through all of the movies, bringing out A Walk To Remember. "Why that movie?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I feel like girls like this movie.'re a girl."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, John."

His phone started ringing just as the movie started and he answered it with hesitation. He said 'hello' and rubbed his forehead as I could faintly hear the boy talking on the other line. "I know, I know - just," He looked at me as he listened to whoever was yelling at him and gave me an apologetic smile. "Garrett, I just need to figure things out. I'm not telling you where I am yet. I - I'm doing fine, though. Just don't worry about me. Tell my mom that I'm fine, too, alright?" More silence, and he sighed, "Bye, Garrett." I didn't say anything as he turned to look at me. I just kept my eyes on the screen as I felt him staring at me.

"Who's Garrett?" I finally asked, putting a piece of popcorn in my mouth. I didn't look at him; there was no need. I heard him sigh and chuckle a little. "Boyfriend?"

"What? No," He laughed again. "He's my best friend. He's nagging me about where I am and who I'm with; I just hate it when people do that."

"So go home," I laughed, finally looking at him. He had a look of hurt on his face, "I didn't mean it like that."

"I know," He smiled softly, "I'm not really feeling a movie."

"Me either," I gave him a weak smile. "I think I'm just going to go to bed, alright?"

"You sure? We could just - talk or something."

"I swear, John, there's not much to talk about when you're with me."

"Fine," He put his hands up in defense, "I give up. Bed it is."

I bit my lip as he stood up and started to turn off the telivision. Maybe I just needed to stop being such an introvert and start opening up to people. I would work on it, I swore to myself. But I sitll wasn't comfortable with John.

And I knew he was hiding the real reason why he left his home. I just had to get it out of him.

And I would find a way to get him home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, I've got my girl character that will soon be introduced. I just need some ideas of how to introduce her! Message or comment with yours! :)


Oh, and:
