

Thomas, Cameron’s dad, is pretty cool dad. Not only did he not try to kill me, but he was pretty funny and out going. Nothing like Cameron. I’m guessing he got his coolness from his mom…who I have now learned is either dead or just no there.

I’m kind of curious to which one it is. But really, it is none of my business and I don’t want Cameron hating me all over again. I think we might be getting somewhere, slowly, but getting there.

I sigh and smile to myself as I make my way up to my room. Father is missing, probably at work or some dumb shit like that while my mother is in the kitchen baking, as usually. She’s always baking cookies or something.

Once in my room I take out the notes I had taken with Cameron. He really is a genius. He even has me studying now, trying to get my grades up. I just want to look good in his eyes though…

I don’t care about making straight A’s or anything dumb like that. All I care about is making Cameron realize that I can do something. That I really can do things on my own.

I flip through the notes, trying desperately to learn something. Memorizing these notes seem so much easier though when Cameron is around. I think it’s his smartness or something. It rubs off on me when he’s around. Yeah, that’s definitely it!

After about an hour of studying I throw the things off to the side, giving up on this and deciding to go to video games. I don’t know how long I lie on my bed playing, but I know that it’s long enough for me to fall asleep…

“Sage, you silly kid, wake up. Sage, darling.”

Groaning, I crack open my tired eyes to see my mother leaning over me with a smile. I sigh because I know that I have to get up for school. A part of me wants to stay home, but another much larger part wants to see Cameron.

I smile just thinking about him.

“And what are you thinking about?” Mother asks after I get up and start my daily routine of getting ready.

“Cameron,” I answer. “I think I might be breaking through to him! Slowly, but surely.”

“Congratulations,” she laughs, ruffling my hair. “Just don’t agitate the kid too much.”

I shrug. “You know me.”

Laughing, my mother leaves the room. I put on a change of clothes and go to the bathroom. There I attempt to make my hair look acceptable before heading downstairs. There I eat the chocolate chip pancakes mom made me.

After hogging those down I get up. “See you later mom.”

And I charge out the door to school to see my beloved Cameron.

“Why hello there. You are looking very da-”

“Get lost, Sage,” Cameron spits venomously, a little too venomously. I’m slightly shocked, but I just take it as a bad mood.

“Somebody is in a bad mood wha-”

And there’s no time for me to finish my sentence when Cameron stalks off, leaving me behind. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t like me talking to him in public? I’ve been doing it more often lately though…maybe I shouldn’t?

Shrugging, I walk off to class. Dale speaks to me and for once he doesn’t bother me about Cameron. I have a feeling today is going to be a good day!

At least I had that feeling until I tried talking to Cameron and again he ignored me. I sigh and try going after him, but he runs into class and it starts before I have time to ask what’s the matter. Frowning, I take a seat and wait patiently for lunch. I’ll just grab himrape him and talk to him about whatever’s wrong. Maybe there isn’t anything wrong and he really is in just one of those moods…

But he’s always in one of those moods. That’s his personality. Still, lately he’s been talking to me more and damn it I am not going to let that stop now!

Finally, the bell rings and everyone bolts, including Cameron, but this time I run after him. My hand grips his wrist tightly and he tries to pull away. I smirk at the scowl he’s sending my way.

“What’s up?” I ask, dragging him to a deserted hallway. He grumbles and goes to pull his wrist away, but I keep the tight grip on his wrist so he won’t get away.

He’s like an animal really. He’ll bare his fangs if you piss him off. He’ll scratch and bite if you say or do too much. If you corner him he’ll try to get away. Yep, just like an animal. A really cute animal.

“Stop talking to me,” Cameron orders.

I frown. “Hey, are you mad at me for something? I’m sorry!”

Cameron rips his wrist from my grip. I bite my lip as he turns and I expect him to walk away, but when I hear him sigh I know he isn’t going to. I nearly smile, but wait for whatever he has to say first.

“I’m just…tired is all…I didn’t sleep good last night,” Cameron grumbles, rubbing his wrist where I was previously holding him.

“Ah, it’s ok. I get it. It’s fine. I just thought you were mad at me or something!” I laugh.

“I’m always mad at you,” Cameron says to me, sparing me a glance over his shoulder.

I tap my chin. “Mm, interesting point my friend. You-”

“Do you mean it?” Cameron cuts me off, turning to face me with a questioning look.

I stiffen and tilt my head to the side in curiosity. “Mean what?”

“Friend. Are we…do you consider me a…friend?” He says the word like it’s foreign to him. It probably is. After all, no one at this school talks to him and at his old school he had to be busy with studying to get into our school.

Friend must be something strange to him.

Smiling, like I always do, I nod my head and answer enthusiastically. “Yeah, of course we’re friends! Why wouldn’t we be?”

“I was just…whatever, forget about it.” He shrugs and begins walking down the hall.

“Hey wait up!” I shout, following right behind him and teasing him all the way to lunch. Ah yes, life is great…life is great…
♠ ♠ ♠
November Rain
New story dawg ;D
Please read my friends story and sequel!
She isn't getting a lot of feedback but she's really great =D
Call Me The Dark Angel
