

Calloused fingers work their way down my chest. They run across my nipples and down my stomach where they curl themselves into my happy trail. I groan, my head throwing itself back against the pillow at the feel of his fingers running down my shaft.

My toes curl into the bed sheets and fingers tangle themselves in dark locks. My breathing is coming in fast and hard. I’m not even sure if how I’m breathing is considered healthy. My heart is beating against my ribcage and I feel as if it’s about to rip free.

How is he doing this to me? How is one person making me feel…making me feel this good?

His lips find my collar bone. They nip and suck on the flesh and work their way down. They reach my nipples and begin to suck, lick, and bite. I grunt, my hips thrusting upwards. His questing hand is so unbelievably close.

“D-Don’t be a tease.” Damn, is that my voice? I sound so desperate, so weak.

He chuckles against my chest and finally his fingers, which were once running up the inside my thigh, wrap themselves around my burning erection. I curse at the feeling of tough fingers working their way slowly up and down my shaft, wreaking havoc through out my entire being.

White hot fire is ripping its way through my veins and into the pit of my stomach. I can feel myself getting close to the edge, but the idiot pulls his hand away. I’m about to scream at him for even thinking about stopping, until his hand is replaced by something much better.

I shout at the warmth now suffocating my cock. A skilled, wet tongue, slides itself around my head, sucking me into his mouth and deep throating me. I groan and grip his hair whilst trying to thrust upwards, but his arm around my waist keeps me still.

I grunt as he sucks me off. Tongue teasing my slit and his free hand cupping my balls, rubbing them gently with his thumb. I whine when he pulls away, simply sucking my tip. I’m so close, so, so close, and I try to tell him, but he simply takes me into his mouth and that’s all it takes.

“S-Sage!” I bolt up from my bed, a complete mess, and trust me when I say I’m not the only mess. I groan as I look at the sheets…but then I realize what caused the sheets to be like that.

Throwing my hands over my mouth I look over to see that Trenton and Cory are fast asleep. They hadn’t heard me, thank God, but why exactly did I dream that in the first place?

I bite my lip and quickly begin to clean up. I can only imagine the questions Trenton and Cory would throw at me if they saw this. I ended up having to change my boxers too, because the ones I was wearing are now ruined.

After cleaning up that stupid mess I make my way back to my room to put on new sheets. I curl back up under the covers and throw my hands over my eyes in disbelief.

Did I really dream about that? With Sage? Am I crazy? Why would I have a dream about Sage? There is nothing attractive about him?Oh yes there is.

Fuck. Shit. Damn it. I…I can’t believe I actually…no, no I won’t think about it. I won’t think about it at all. I will pretend that it never happened. It never happened and it will not happen again. Right? Right.I hope so.

I throw my head into my hands. Shit…what’s wrong with me?


I couldn’t talk to Sage the next day. Just looking at him made me think of that. My mouth went dry every time he spoke. I kept thinking about what else his mouth could do. Every time he went to touch me I kept thinking about where else he could touch me.

Just being around him made me nervous. Even if it was just for a second. Just looking at him made me think of how gorgeous he looked in my dream, a panting mess covered with-

Ah, bah, bah, bah, Cameron we talked about this. We decided not to think about it ever. It didn’t happen. I did not happen and will not happen again.Oh God, but it was a really nice dream…


I shake my head and decide on a plan.

I tried to be cruel, I tried to get him to back off, but it only lasted a couple periods. I ended up talking to him anyways. It’s kind of hard not to, I’ve learned. He’s just so damn persistent. I knew that if I didn’t talk to him then he’d just continue to bug me.

I really don’t want to be bugged anymore.

But why is it that before I could so easily ignore him but now it’s so hard? Maybe it’s because of what he said?

“Yeah, of course we’re friends! Why wouldn’t we be?”

Friends. No one has ever counted me as a friend before. No one has wanted to be my friend before. Maybe it’s just because he said that, that I’ve found it harder and harder to get him off my back?

Friends…Sage and I are friends.

I bite my lip to keep myself from…

“Hey Cameron, are you listening?”

I look up from my text book to see Sage looking at me oddly. He tilts his head to the side and smiles. “You seem dazed. What’s up?”

“N-Nothing,” I quickly answer, shaking my head and going back to tutoring. “Just forget about it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This biotch named Virtue [ily] made me fan art again! Sage&Cameron
Hehehe it's the best ain't it!
So I updated, cuz I love her <3333
Virtue is going to be my wife one day!
