

“Do you like dick?

Honestly, what kind of question is that? Apparently one Sage would ask. Of course he would, because he’s such a damn idiot. Whatever, it’s Sage so I can let it slide. He’s too stupid to understand anything so obviously he’ll ask dumb questions.

I flip through the pages of notes I have made for class. Sage and I went over these yesterday for the test this Friday. I still think he hasn’t got it, but I tried and that’s all that matters.

“Cameron, are you coming out or are you going to lock yourself up in your room all night?” My dad asks, leaning against the door frame with a grin that only he can pull off.

I roll my eyes at the man. He is my father yet he doesn’t understand. “Lock myself in here, obviously. I have a test tomorrow.”

“That you will ace, like always. Now get out here, lover boy is at the door.”

The tea I was drinking got spat across the room from shock and confusion. My dad laughs and I look at him with wide eyes that clearly asks everything. He pushes himself off the wall and shrugs. “He said he’s bored and wants to take you out. Now get going.”

“Tell him to fuck off,” I growl, going back to reading over my notes. I really don’t want to see him because…the more time I spend around him the more flustered I become and I don’t even know why! It’s like I…like him or something.

I wait for the shivers of disgust to come, but they never do. What the hell? Where are they? Why aren’t I puking at the mere thought? Why does that sound…almost right? Damn it, no it doesn’t sound right, not at all. I mustn’t be getting enough sleep so I’m thinking oddly.

Yeah, that’s obviously it.

I shout at the sudden feel of someone grasping my shirt from behind and ripping me to stand. I’m spun around to come face to face with my father who seems rather agitated with me. I bite my lip and look down towards the floor.

“Cameron, as your father I am ordering you to be a teenager for once in your life. Come on, go out, have fun, stay out until midnight, break some rules for Christ sake!” He shouts, shaking me slightly as if that is going to make the words sink into my head. “How many fathers tell their children to do that?”

“I thought none, but apparently you are more messed up than I thought,” I reply with a scoff. “Why do you want me to go out anyways?”

“Because, ever since your mother passed away I haven’t seen you have fun, not even at home-”

I flinch and before he can go on I quickly say, “Ok, ok, I’ll go…just don’t talk about mom.”

My dad frowns, along with me, and nods. He pulls away and tells me he’s going to tell Sage I’m getting ready. I not and wait until he’s gone to shut the door and find some clothes to change into.

He’s right. I really haven’t had any fun since mom passed away. I use to always come home to her smiling face and arms open wide for a hug and kiss. She’d always take me out, just me and her, and we’d spend time together talking about anything and everything. I was and definitely still am a momma’s boy.

“Why hello there beautiful!” Sage shouts happily the moment I step into his view. I glare at him, but he takes no notice and grabs my hand. And there it is again, that spark shooting up my arm and into my chest.

I try to pull away, but his grip is tight and unwavering. I snarl as he pulls me out of the house, seeming far too eager for whatever he has planned.

“Where are you taking me?” I ask, finally managing to rip my hand away. I didn’t like the feeling that he was giving me. But even now, not touching him, I can still feel it.

This warmth in my chest that I really don’t want.

“I thought we could go to the mall! You’re always locked up in your house all day. You need to have some fun, let loose!” Isn’t that practically the same thing my dad had said? Damn it, they are trying to brain wash me.

“There’s a test tomorrow!” I scold him and skid to a stop in front of his car. “Unlike you, I want to graduate and go to college.”

“Come on Cameron, we both know you’ll do just fine. Now come on, one night of not studying isn’t going to kill you.” Sage smiles that stupid smile of his.One that makes my heart race.

I scoff and cross my arms defiantly. “Why should I go anywhere with you?”

“Because we’re friends. That’s what friends do! Now get in,” he laughs, slipping into the drivers seat. I sigh and take one look up to my apartment where I am more than positive my dad is watching.

My shoulders slumping in defeat, I open the door and scoot in. The moment it shuts Sage is laughing and pulling onto the road to head to the mall. The one place that I go to only when absolutely necessary. I don’t like the crowds.

“Why are we going to the mall?”

“Because everyone likes the mall.”

“I don’t.”

The look on Sage’s face told me he thought I was crazy. I roll my eyes and glare out the window, not very happy with having him taking me to the mall. Even if we are “friends” like he says, that doesn’t mean he has to take me places. Who even said I wanted to go out?

“Why not?” Sage gasps. “It’s so much fun!”

“For you it may be. I find it pointless.”

Sage shakes his head in disbelief. “No way, it’s the best and you will learn to like it!”

“What makes you think that?” I question, glancing at him out of the corner of my eye only to quickly look away when I realize he was staring at me. My cheeks heat up at the feel of his eyes on me and I curse myself for blushing.

I’m not a girl so stop blushing already, damn it!

Sage chuckles, almost evilly, and I get this feeling that I really am going to learn to like it. Knowing Sage he’ll probably force me to come everyday until I become addicted to the mall. Well…that’s just…great.

“Because I am determined!”

Yeah…I’m screwed.
♠ ♠ ♠
My Journal Entry
It's about something I read on homosexuality
It's me ranting and saying my opinions
You may or may not wish to read it but I just thought I'd tell you if you were bored and wanted to
