

I burst into the apartment and ran straight for my room. Trenton and Cory were already fast asleep so I quickly discarded my clothes, got into my boxers, and hid under the covers. With both hands over my mouth, I clench my eyes shut in hope to forget what had just happened.

Shit, shit, and more shit.

His hand ran up my throat, slowly. His hands were calloused, proving that he did some type of work outside and I knew that he was too close. I knew that when his hand came to cup my cheek, to run his fingers across my skin that I should move.

But I didn’t. Something kept me still, kept me from moving away.

At first he was moving in slowly, eyes staring straight into my own as if to make sure I was ok with this, which…I wasn’t sure if I was or wasn’t. My heart was beating, becoming faster and faster the closer he got. My hands shook and palms began to sweat and…my mind was screaming no, no, no, but something was louder and pleading yes, yes, yes.

And then before I knew it, Sage’s lips were pressed against my own. It wasn’t rough, not at all, a simple pressure against my lips. And I swear it was out of instinct that my eyes fluttered shut and I began to kiss back.

Our lips moving together slowly, me from inexperience and him from being nervous I guess. Slim fingers ran through my hair and that’s when I realized what was happening. I was kissing Sage, Sage.

No…I can’t be. He’s a boy, a boy!

My eyes shot open from the memory of last night. The sound of my alarm clock is loud and annoying so I slam a fist over it to silence it. Immediately Trenton is at my side, asking for breakfast, and normally I would get up and go, but today I growled.

“Be patient.” It came out colder than I meant for it and I quickly realized my mistake and apologized. “Sorry buddy…just…let bubby wake up and I’ll be out in a second, ok?”

Trenton nods shyly and stumbles out of the room. Once gone, I throw my palms over my eyes and growl, “Fuck…”

What am I going to do? Sage and I have all day together. I have to tutor him after school. I can’t…I just can’t be in the same room as him. I can’t see him. I can’t hear his voice, because I know if I will I’ll…I’ll do something I’ll regret.

I bite my lip and decide that tonight Sage and I will no longer be tutor and student. We’ll go back to being Sage and Cameron, the two kids that just did not get along.

With that decided I get out of bed and get ready for school. In no time I’m in the school building, looking from one side to the other to stay clear of Sage. Sighing in relief, I make my way into first period, only to see the one boy I wanted to avoid.


“Listen Sage I don’t want to talk about anything. Last night didn’t happen and it won’t happen again,” I snarl, stomping past Sage to my desk, but that kid is determined and he’s right behind me, taking a seat next to me with a frown, which is so unusual to see on his face.

“Cameron I…last night, I’m sorry, but I really do like-”

“Shut up, Sage! Just shut up!”

All eyes are on us. Some curious, some angry, and some don’t seem to really have a feeling. They’re just staring. Sage looks up at me with a frown and I can tell he’s hurt. I don’t blame him, after all I kissed back, but I…I didn’t mean to!

“I don’t want to hear it!” I shout, not caring that I’m blowing my perfectly calm exterior that I’ve worn for such a long time. “Just shut the hell up and leave me alone!”

I expected Sage to sigh, nod, and give up, but I must have forgotten how determined this kid is. I must have forgotten who I was talking to. This is Sage and Sage never gives in so it shouldn’t have surprised me when he stood to his feet, a scowl set on his face.

“No,” he states and I know that there’s no way I’m getting him to back down. “We’re going to talk about this whether you want to or not.”

And he grabs my wrist, easily tugging me out of the class and straight to the boys restroom. After he makes sure no one is in here, he shuts the door to the bathroom and corners me when I try to make a break for it. He grips my biceps and holds me against the cool wall.

Angrily, he glares down at me so I use all the power I have to glare back up at him. He doesn’t seem fazed by it at all, which is no surprise. The glare probably isn’t even that menacing when he’s staring at me like that.

“Last night happened no matter what ok! I kissed you and you kissed back, that’s just how it is. I know you liked it, I know that you like me, but you’re just too damn stubborn to admit it!” He says angrily, chewing on his lip in thought before continuing. “It’s fine to like people Cameron. It’s fine to depend on others every once in a while! It’s in human nature ok so just…admit to me and yourself and do something that’ll make you happy for once! Your mom…your mom would have wanted you to be happy!”

My chest tightens considerably and I know that it’s not just because he mentioned my mother, but because that he was right. I’m a stubborn ass, but it isn’t exactly everyday that I find myself thinking about another boy in a sexual way.

It isn’t that normal. There aren’t a lot of gay couples in this school, three to be exact. I get made fun of enough as it is…than again I’m use to it so it should be fine. But still…

Being happy isn’t something I’m use to either.But Sage has been changing that.

“Cameron?” Sage asks the moment I rest my head against his chest. He stiffens, but only for a second. His arms slip around my waist and he holds me against him tightly, sighing contently into my hair and…as wrong as it should be, it just feels so right to be with him, for him to be holding me.

“I really do…hate you.”

Sage chuckles. “Yeah, I know…”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'd just like to tell you all I have up to CH. 27 written ;D
I'm still working on it now and I believe this will end at Ch. 30
So if you want an update...send me love and motivation =P
