

So…I deserve a prize, a fucking million dollar prize because I, Sage Tanner, am now unofficially officially dating Cameron for exactly 17 days. Yeah, you’re all probably like how the hell is it unofficially officially?

The answer is quite simple.

Because neither of us has officially asked the other out. I know Cameron won’t do it, but I know if I do it he’ll say no, that it’s too “girly” or some other nonsense like that. But I like to think of it as we’re “dating” especially because of a little situation that happened just over a week ago.

Kylie, Steven, and I made our way to the lunch room. I never ate here, of course, and instead went to see my forbidden beloved on the roof top. Ah, our relationship is so romantic! If only Cameron would friggin’ act like it…stubborn mule.

Steven and Kylie were talking about something that I wasn’t exactly paying attention to when suddenly out of no where Kylie throws her arm around my own. I squeak out of shock when she tugs me into her side and looks up at me with watery eyes and pouting lips.

I blink rapidly. “What?”

“Steven is being a butt hole,” she whines, gesturing to said boyfriend, who rolls his eyes and scoffs. “So I’m going to stick with you until he apologizes.”

I laugh. “You know he want. He’s too stubborn for that!” I eye him. “Looks like I’m getting your girlfriend Stevie-boo. She loves me more.”

Steven stiffens and scowls, because we all know that he’d never let another man touch his Kylie inappropriately. I’m positive these two will grow up to get married, even if they do break up, they’ll get back together, marry each other, and have lots of cute little babies that I will dub the Spawn of Satan because we all know that’s exactly what they’ll be.

Kylie giggles and that’s when it happens, Steven snaps the moment her lips make contact with my cheek. He rips her away and pulls her into his chest, pouting. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s what I thought!” Kylie cackles evilly and they go back to whatever they were talking about. I laugh, roll my eyes, and grab my lunch just in time for a hand to grip my wrist. Moments later I am out of the cafeteria, up the stairs, and on the roof top with a fuming Cameron.

His nostrils are flaring, cheeks red with anger, fists shaking by his side, and his infamous glare set right on poor little old me. Biting my lip I give him a questioning glance, but before I have time to ask he stomps over to me and kisses my cheek where Kylie had just seconds ago.

Again, I am left confused, but I don’t have time to question anything before Cameron backs me up to the wall, placing himself comfortably against me, and crashing his lips against my own. Why the hell would I say no to a make out session that Cameron willingly started? Exactly, I wouldn’t.

Cameron’s lips move against mine roughly, as if he were claiming me as his own. His tongue runs over my bottom lip and his teeth take hold of said object. He nibbles on the tender flesh and easily slips his tongue through, running over every groove on the roof of my mouth, across my teeth and tongue.

I groan in appreciation and grip his hips tighter, which are now rocking against my own. I know if he doesn’t stop soon I am going to get a major hard on, and maybe he knows this, because he suddenly stops and pulls his delicious tasting mouth from my own. I whine.

“What the hell was that?” He screamed, making me question his sanity.

“A make out session,” I reply, it was more like a question than anything.

“No stupid, what was that?” He gestures to the doorway, but there’s nothing there. My eyes must tell him I don’t get it because he face palms and growls. “You let her kiss you.”

And that’s where it hits me. My face lights up with excitement immediately and I grin widely. Cameron turns to walk away angrily, but my hands on his hips slip into the back of his pants, pulling him back against my chest. His hands come up to my chest and he struggles to get lose, but my hold on him is tight and I refuse to let go.

“Aw, were you jealous?” I tease, expecting him to refuse which is what I get, but I also get something else.

“Of course not, you…you cheater!”


“You can’t go around letting girls cling to you like that, even if they have a boyfriend, and they especially shouldn’t kiss you, even if it’s on the cheek! You’re always kissing me, telling me how much you want me, yet you let that happen! You’re a cheater!”

I can’t help but laugh because Cameron has such an odd way of thinking. It’s so cute though, to see him so worked up and jealous over me! It makes me feel like I’ve actually accomplished something in life, which I have because it’s Cameron. I have him. That in itself is the best accomplishment I could have ever gotten.

Cameron scolds me, but when I rest my forehead against his own he goes silent. Looking into his beautiful blue eyes I see the stubbornness still shining brightly, along with the confusion, and the want. It all makes me smile and I sigh in contentment.

“Don’t worry Cameron, I’d never cheat on you.” I tell him, kissing his cute button nose, which wrinkles up as if he were disgusted. But I can see that little twinkle in his eye that tells me he liked it. “Besides, I know you’d have my ass on a silver platter if I even think about it.”

And here’s one of the other accomplishments I have managed to receive. That little upwards tilt of his lips that doesn’t form a smile, more of a smirk than anything, but it’s there. The boy chuckles softly and I love knowing that I can make laughter bubble up in his chest. It’s telling me that I am that much closer to making him the happiest person alive.

“I’d kill you if you cheated on me.”

“I know, you’re beastly.”

I got punched for that, but I laugh and take a seat next to him on the rooftop. I reach over for his hand and I wrap it into my own. He never initiates it, holding hands, cuddling, any of that “girly”, that’s what he calls it, stuff, but I know that he likes it because…

He slips his fingers through my own, intertwining the appendages, and squeezes softly as if to say ‘I don’t mind.’ I smile happily and rest my head on his shoulder, sighing once again because I really have him. He’s all mine.

Ah yes, being with the Cameron is amazing. Speaking of said boy, he’s glaring at me.

“Stop staring at me like that,” he growls. “It’s annoying.”

Smiling, I lean up to kiss the side of his mouth, which tilts upwards into that little smirk at the action, but he wipes it off his face quickly because he’s stubborn. But his stubbornness just makes it all the more fun so I laugh and say, “Whatever you say, Cameron.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I kind of ADORE this chapter the next and the one after it xD
I worked hard to make them kind of like drabble-ish?
Idk cute?
I hope it works xD
BTW: this will end Ch. 31 I have up to Ch. 29 written
I should finish pre-writting it today! =D
