

When it comes to a box of beautiful crayons I’m not the brightest but god damn it I am definitely the prettiest! Ok, not really, but I am the tallest…or something…

I’ve never been that smart. My brain doesn’t seem to function like most. Even if I go to such a prestigious school it‘s not because my book smarts, but because my family has money and my father wants me to try and get a good education. I’m just not book smart at all and my common sense is kind of down the drain as well so I don‘t know why he does it. Whatever, it‘s his loss in the end.

No matter how hard I try to study it never seems to work. The words go in one ear and out the other then all the way to Japan where they go to a bath house and drink sake for days on end, forgetting about me and my hopelessness. Stupid bastards…how dare they!

My father always tells me that I’m a disappoint to him, a son that he regrets having, and maybe most would be hurt by that, but I’ve always been such an optimistic person that it doesn’t bother me as much. Sometimes his words do the same as my studies, which I am thankful for, but still…can’t my brain just comprehend things like a normal human being? Back to the point though…

I am who I am. If my father does or doesn’t like it than I really don’t care. I won’t pretend to be something I’m not. I won’t try to be someone he’ll love. I am his son and if he can’t love me for me then he isn’t worth it.

Mommy dearest on the other hand adores me. She thinks I’m the “cutest damn thing.” She always tells me father will come around, but I don’t believe her. He’s an arrogant bastard and even if he did “come around” I’ll never fully forgive him for neglecting me so much. But anyways, I love my mom. I am definitely a momma’s boy and always have been, but can you blame me? She’s the sweetest woman to ever walk this Earth after all.

The kids at school also like me. The girls surround me and the guys find me the life of the party. I’m nice to everyone, because I don’t have a reason to be mean to anyone. I like making people laugh. I like seeing them smile, because in today’s world it’s hard.

There’s so much shit going on that people don’t seem to have enough fun. My job is to change that and that’s what I do and I think it might be the only thing I’m actually good at.

I’ve never been much of a sports guy. The guys get way too serious when playing. I rather just have fun, mess around, and look like an idiot and laugh it over so I’m not an athlete. Like I said earlier, I’m not smart, so I’m not in any strange smart club type things…I don’t know what you would call them. So I’m not really good at anything…

Except having fun. Some may or may not find it annoying. I don’t care though. People do what they’re good at, right? I’m good at having fun so that’s what I do.

“Congratulations Sage.”

Thos words knock me out of me telling myself my life story. I blink my eyes and grin at Mr. Randson. He chuckles and walks away from me, but I have no idea why until I see it…

“Holy fucking shit I got a C!” Ok so I didn’t really need to stand up and wave the paper around, but I wanted to emphasis the fact that I got a C! Why is that important? The answer is quit simple my friends…“This is the best grade I’ve ever gotten! I deserve a candy. Do you have any candy? My parents say to never accept candy from old men, but I’m sure you’re not a pedophile so can I have some candy?”

The class erupts with laughter at my out burst, but I can’t help it. I’m just so happy! I’ve never been good at Trig so getting a C on a test without cheating is a miracle in my eyes and I believe I deserve a reward!

Mr. Randson sighs and shakes his head, but in the end he gives me a milky way. I laugh as all the guys pat my back and congratulate me on not completely flunking yet another math test. When the bell rings everyone is filing out of the classrooms and into the large halls of our so very fine school.

“Kylie! I have a hang nail. Kiss it, make it better?”

“What are you, five?” Kylie slaps my hand away with a scowl. Her boyfriend, Steven, laughs from beside her. He wraps an arm around her while looking at me with a grin.

“She’s on her period today. You better not bother with her.” You bet Steven got hit for that! But that’s beside the point. The point is Kylie is being a bitch and won’t kiss my boo-boo better. What kind of friend is she?

“Fine! I see how it is. I’ll…I’ll go get someone else to kiss it better!”

Kylie rolls her dark brown eyes and with a sigh she says, “It’s a hang nail. Be a man and suck it up.”

Steven and I both gasp, astounded that she said such a thing. We “men” look at each other and say in unison, “Hang nails hurt!”

“They are by far the most painful thing…along with paper cuts.” Steven nods his head as if to emphasize the point.

I nibble on my nail, a habit I do every now and then. Don’t ask why I do, I just do. “They’re demonic little bastards! The bane of all existence!”

“And people call teenage girls drama queens,” Kylie scoffs, stomping off to class with Steven and I running to catch up with her.

I nearly run into some kid, shouting a sorry to who ever it was real quickly before bolting after Kylie and Steven. I really need to stop day dreaming before I end up killing some-hey wait a second!

“Kylie, I am not a drama queen. I just happen to over exaggerate more then ¾ of the time!”Slow reaction much?
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I already love writing in Sage's P.O.V
I think I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this story ;D

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