

“Lets go swimming,” I suggest with a playful grin, one that Cameron glares out.

“No,” is his firm answer. Frowning, I reach over and grab his hands. He snarls, but I easily get him to stand up and follow me to the docks where I kick off my pants and shirt, leaving me in boxers.

“You know you want to!” I call back at him after I’ve ran down the dock. Sucking in I plug my nose and jump in. The murky water feels great, cool against my skin and when I come back up I see Cameron standing there awkwardly, like he wants to come in, but he’s too stubborn to admit it. He glares at the water as if it’s at fault.

Laughing I swim up to the dock where he stands. He looks down at me and sighs. His sparkling blue eyes make my heart leap and toes curl. It’s crazy what one person can do to you, but I’m happy that one person is Cameron. He’s perfect, in my eyes.

“Get in,” I cry, tugging at his pant leg, but he kicks my hand away. Pouting I go back under the water and swim under the dock. Cameron is above me, looking from side to side, but I hold in my laughter and wait for the perfect time.

He’s tip toeing to the side, but the boards still creak under his small frame. He reaches the edge and still I’m waiting. My mouth beneath the water, breathing in through my nose, I quietly swim closer to him. He’s now leaning over, looking into the water for me I’m guessing.

And when he’s close enough I reach up from under, grab his shirt and pull. With a loud shout and splash Cameron falls. Laughing, I watch him come back to the surface, gasping for the air he didn’t manage to get before getting in.

“You fucker!” He screams and I don’t expect it, so he easily dunks me and kicks me beneath the water. I return to the surface, still smiling and laughing at the scowl he’s sending my way.

The boy growls and swims to land, me right behind him. He gets out, his clothes which were tight to begin with, are more like a second skin and fuck yes I’m drooling and hell yes I’m a little turned on by the way his nipples are able to be seen through his white shirt.

The temptation to ravish him right here and now is big, but I ignore it and walk across the warm sand. It tickles my feet and I dig my toes into it, loving the feeling. When I reach Cameron I throw my arms around him and I can hear his teeth chattering.

“Y-You a-a-asshole,” he stutters from the cold. If he went back to the water he wouldn’t be as cold. The wind is blowing and that’s what’s causing it. “I f-fucking h-h-hate you.”

I nuzzle my nose against his neck, which is covered with goose bumps, and sigh. “No you don’t.”

I’m happy when he doesn’t argue it. We both know that deep, deep down he cares about me. Cameron just has a harder time showing it and I’m ok with that. Because the times when he does show it just makes it ten times better.

Chuckling, I order, “Get back in the water.”

“N-No way.” His eyes look above my shoulder to the rippling lake and I see a flash of fear. “I am n-not getting b-back in there.”

“Why?” I ask, but I suddenly realize that his chattering has stopped. Those blue eyes of his widen with fear and he jumps away from me. He has possibly the most frightened look on his face I’ve ever seen.

“Snake!” He screams like a little girl, making me want to laugh, and bolts to the car where he jumps inside, slamming the door behind him. For a moment I‘m about to laugh, until I turn around just in time to see a little black snake slithering its way across the sand.

Oh…so he’s scared of snakes. That’s so cute!

I walk over to the little guy and grab it by the tail. It was obviously a younger one, considering its size. Laughing, I hold it above the ground and walk off, tossing it away into the woods. And when I’m done I walk to the car where Cameron is curled up in a ball. I knock on the window. “Unlock the door babe, it’s gone.”

He shakes his head. “No way! What if there’s more?”

“Don’t worry, daddy is here to protect you,” I tease, but of course he simply screams a ‘fuck you’ and stays inside. Sighing, I decide that he’ll come out when he feels like it so I go back to the lake where I wait patiently. As expected, he gets out of the car maybe 20 minutes later.

Only this time he’s just in his boxers and yes, I am very, very pleased at this. Grinning, I watch the way his hips move and how his boxers really leave nothing for the imagination. I bite my lip because really, he’s seducing me without realizing it.

He stops suddenly in knee deep water and looks at me with a ‘what the hell is your problem’ glare. Smiling, I make my way towards him and no, he isn’t happy when I wrap my arms around him. He looks at me and says, “Don’t hold me like I’m a girl.”

“Earlier you sure were acting like one,” I joke, pecking his now pouting lips.

“Douche.” Ah, don’t you all just love him? He really is an addicting piece of candy isn’t he?

“Are you going to swim or what?” I change the subject, grabbing his hand and guiding him into deeper water. He’s hesitant and his eyes are glancing for any sign of snakes I guess, but when he sees none he complies.

“Now, this isn’t so bad is it?” I ask, swimming in front of the boy who is glaring again, probably angry that I was right, the water is fine. He’s such a sore loser, but he’s so hot when he’s angry.

“Shut up,” is all he says, before going under the water. I think for a moment that he’s going to get out, but instead I feel hands on my ankles and I’m yanked under and that’s when I feel lips pressed against my own and a soft hand against my chest.

My fingers search the water and I find his hair. I entangle my fingers in his brown locks and move my lips with his own, our tongues diving into each others mouths to explore the moist caverns. Sure, some nasty lake water makes it way in, but all the matters is the feeling of his tongue against my own and the sweet taste known only as Cameron that is so addicting.

When we’re both out of air we pull apart and go up. Seeing his flushing cheeks is enough to make me smile, but I don’t point it out. Knowing him he’d probably say something along the lines of ‘you’re seeing things idiot.’ I really don’t want to ruin the moment.

“Next time…can we bring swim trunks?”

I laugh at Cameron’s question, but nod. “Yeah, next time.”

And I’m happy knowing that he did imply that there will be a next time. I am one lucky bastard.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha I love having this all written out already
I can be a bum xD
And I love Cameron and his fear of snakes!
