

Mondays are the worst, I think, to not only child but all of mankind, because when you get up on that day all you can think is fuck, it’s the beginning of the week. And then you have to wait out five days until you get two days of freedom, which isn’t enough in my book, but I don’t complain and get up to get ready for school, along with help the little minions running around the apartment.

They’re all screaming, laughing, making some type of noise. The neighbors never complain and I think it’s from pity. We have no mother, after all, here to help us. There’s so many of us and dad isn’t the richest guy so it’s hard. It seems some people understand this and don’t complain that this hooligans are making such a fuss so early.

I sigh in relief, because I’m glad they don’t. Putting up with their shit would drive me over the edge.

“Bubby, will Sage come over after school?” Lori, who has taken quite a liking to said boy, asks with those big green eyes of hers that are sparkling with curiosity and excitement.

I chuckle. “More than likely.” Because that idiot doesn’t seem to take no for an answer. I’ve stopped trying to talk him out of it.Not that I mind. Ok, so maybe…maybe I do enjoy the kids company. He’s actually not as annoying as he originally leads on. He can be quite the character, but I do not like him in that manner. No, not at all.Yes I do.

Fuck, conscience, please be a good little shit and shut the fuck up before I decide to go mental and force you to listen to therapist all day.

And you bet my conscience didn’t come up with anything after that.

“Cameron!” An all too familiar voice shouts and I can see Sage running my way with a bounce in his step that only I seem to give him.I feel proud.

When he gets to me I see the girls looking at him like a piece of me and me with envy. But the moment they catch my icy glare they’re off to go graze like cattle with their friends instead of stare. I scowl and look up at Sage who leans in as if to kiss me.

But I stop him with my binder. “What. The. Fuck?”

“Come on Cameron,” Sage whines. “Can’t I show the world that you and I are an item?”

Scoffing, I cross my arms defiantly over my chest and reply coldly, “Hell no. I put up with enough shit. I need no more.”

“But no one will bother you, I promise. Can’t I kiss you in public?” His watering chocolate puppy dog eyes almost make me cave. Almost.

And I really do understand where he’s coming from. I, too, wish to shove in everyone’s face that I can make Sage go weak at the knee’s. I can make him moan. I can make melt with a simple kiss, but really I don’t need the trouble. So I sigh and peck his cheek innocently.

“I just…it’s not because I don’t want to Sage, really.” I feel like such a girl saying this, but he won’t get it unless I do say it and I don’t need anymore stress. “I have those brats to look after, and you-”


“And the mid terms are near. I need to study, not get picked on because I’m with the biggest idiot in the school.”

Pouting, Sage sighs and pulls me into a bathroom where he crashes his lips against my own. And if this were a different situation I’d push him away for treating me like a girl, but the way his lips are moving against my own makes my arms slip around his neck, pulling him that much closer.

I sigh contently because really, he’s such a good kisser. We pull apart and he whines, “I get it…do you know you just practically admitted that we were dating?”

I flush. I need to study, not get picked on because I’m with the biggest idiot in the school. Fuck. I said that. I really said that, oh shit, damn it, fuck! I wasn’t supposed to say with, because that makes it sound like we’re…dating or something.Because we are. No we aren’t!

I scoff and shove him away. He stumbles and if it were someone else, they’d probably feel bad, but Sage just laughs. “We are not dating.”

“Whatever you say, babe.”


“Open up!”

“Ok. Ah!”

Lori giggles as she feeds Sage a piece of pineapple. The boy laughs after chewing the delicious fruit and swallowing. Lori gets herself more comfortable in his lap and sighs dreamily and I can’t help but think she has a crush.

Even if she is my little sister, it makes me mad.Sage is mine.

“Hey babe,” Sage calls and I debate on not answering, because he called me babe. But whether I like it or not, that name makes these weird feelings bubble within my chest so I do turn to face him. He’s smilingbeautifully once again. “Did I mention that apron makes you look dead sexy?”

I blush and the spatula goes flying through the air. “You shut your trap!”


And the night goes on, only this time there’s one more child involved. Stupid Sage.But that’s the way I like him.
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So I have a new story with Hot.Mess.
It's called Denial.
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