

“Sage…are you even listening to me?” That voice that I’ve come to adored so much snarls angrily at me like a beast ready to eat its prey. And frankly if I were Cameron’s prey, I would not mind one damn bit. He can eat me any day.

Smiling, I reply, “No, but you can keep pretending like I am.”

The boy groans, throwing his head back to stare up at the library ceiling. His fingers rub at his temples, probably because I am “annoying” him, at least that’s what he says. I am more than positive that I am doing no such thing, but whatever. I shrug it off.

Normally the two of us go to my house or his. But today is Friday and my mother has guests and Cameron’s little sisters are having a slumber party while the others leave the house. It’d be too crowded for us to go, also the little brats have a thing for Cameron, thinking that he’s so cool.

Bitches better not even think about touching my Cameron.

“You know, this is tutoring, Sage. The only way for you to learn anything is to listen to me. What’s the point of this if you don’t pay attention?” Cameron asks and if I were someone else I’m sure it would have been a growl, like it normally is, but his voice had leaked with concern. He’ll never admit it, but he doesn’t want me to fail.

I reach over and wrap my hand around his own. As usual, he’s the one that intertwines our fingers, and rubs his thumb across my skin. That is enough to make my heart soar and a smile that only Cameron can make me do etches across my face.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head. I’m not going to fail,” I assure him and by the look in his eyes, he doesn’t believe me. So, to get his mind off things and to keep me from raping him later on, I lean across the table to brush my lips against his own.

Ok, I’ll admit. I just planned on kissing him, just a little peck of reassurance, but how about you try kissing this beauty and not want more. So the little peck turned into something else and I found myself bringing Cameron across the table.

With a soft grunt, he lands in my lap. I know what he’s about to say, this position is too girly for him, but I shut him up real fast by running my tongue across his bottom lip, my teeth coming out to nibble on the flesh. His eyes glaze over and fall half lidded and I know I’ve got him.

His arms wrap themselves around my shoulders while mine tighten around his thin waist. Slim fingers curl themselves into my hair, tugging lightly when I find that sweet spot in his mouth that makes him moan. The sound is like drugs to my ears so I ran my tongue across it once more to hear it again.

Cameron’s hand, which isn’t in my hair, runs down my chest and I hiss when they reach my hardening nipples. His fingers play with them, pinching and tweaking them between his fingers. Grunting, I thrust up against his hips, which earns me a sharp intake of breath from him.

Smirking, I do the action again. Cameron groans and presses his palm against my chest, bringing his hips down to grind with my own. The rough rocking is causing my pants to tighten considerably and Cameron is no better. I could feel his package rubbing against my own and damn, the friction of the jeans is only adding to the pleasure.

I pull away from his lips, running down his jaw, pulling his ear lobe between my teeth. He lets out a soft whine that he’d kill me for if I pointed it out. So I keep my mouth preoccupied by sucking at his neck and my hands run up his shirt, feeling his soft stomach against my fingers.

I roam to his pants, where my hand reaches down to grab him through his jeans. Cameron grunts in appreciation and I begin palming him through the material. His hand grips my bicep and I don’t expect it, so when I feel his hand slip into my pants I curse. “Fuck.”

Soft fingers that only Cameron could possess pull my hard cock out of my pants, which is dripping with an embarrassing amount pre cum. He palms my head and I moan against his collar bone, biting into the flesh when his hand suddenly starts pumping my shaft quickly.

I can’t be the only one to get off so I, too, reach into his jeans, grasping him tightly. The moan I get coaxes me on and I pump in rhythm with his own movements. My thumb runs across his head, teasing the slit and I can feel Cameron’s heated breath in my hair. His hips are thrusting into my hand, not that mine isn’t doing the same to his.

I can feel everything, every amount of pleasure he’s giving me going to the pit of my stomach. My line of sight is brimming with white and I know I’m so close. By the way Cameron’s hand movement and hips are jerky, so is he.

I quicken my movements and Cameron cries out in form of gratitude. My thumb teases his head and he shouts, my name I might add, hitting his orgasm and shooting his seed across the both of us. Just hearing his voice and my name rolling off his tongue is enough to make me fall over the edge and I grunt.

The orgasm was so sudden, but it was the most amazing one I’ve ever felt.

Cameron falls into my chest, panting and hair a bit of a mess. I sigh contently and wrap my clean hand around him, bringing him close to me although we’re both covered in a sticky mess. Cameron’s warm, uneven breath fans across my neck and I sigh.

Bringing my hand up, I cup his face in my hand to force him to look at me. Beautiful blue eyes are in a daze as he looks up at me, mouth bruised, and cheeks red. A bead of sweat rolls down his cheek, which turns my attention to what had managed to get onto his face.

I chuckle and lean in, whoever’s seed it was I don’t know, but I lick it off and Cameron shivers before crashing his lips against my own. His tongue entangles with my own and the kiss is so sloppy, but it’s amazing because it’s Cameron.

“Mm…that was possibly the best tutoring lesson I’ve ever had,” I breathe against his lips. His eyes narrow and the happiness from his afterglow is gone.

“Shut up. It won’t happen again.”

“Didn’t you say that last time?” Of course last time we made out, not get off. But hey, I am perfectly fine with just making out with him…I mean getting off is ten times better, but still.

Cameron scoffs and gets off me and I don’t know how he can still look so cool when he’s covered in our mess, but he can. He easily stuffs himself back into his jeans and zips up and it isn’t until he looks at me that I see the red tint of his cheeks, which are adorable might I add.

“We should…get going…we shouldn’t get caught like this.”

Laughing, I nod in agreement and stand up. Placing a quick kiss to his cheek I sigh, “You really are the best babe.”

And he hits me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Since we all know you love me for this update, you should totally check out my new co-written slash Compassion is Not an Option
A fellow writer asked me since her co-writer didn't want to write it
And I was just like, eh whatever, co-writing is easy for me and since Smile is already pre-written
And Love Drug is too, not finished, but close I figured I could
Hehehe so...please send us love?
