

“It’s over Sage. Don’t talk to me. Don’t come near me. I don’t want you to even fucking look or think about me. You’re nothing but trouble. Leave me alone.”

Those are the last words he spoke to me and those words are all it took for me to realize…

He really does care!

Yeah, you’re all probably like what the fuck is your problem Sage? He practically admitted his hatred towards you. No, no he didn’t. I admit, when I first heard him say that I thought that. I thought that he was saying that he never liked me in the first place and I really was just trouble to him.

For the first two days all I did was mope around the house, those words echoing within my skull. And I believed for an entire 48 hours that Cameron really did hate me and wanted nothing to do with me, but the more I thought about it the more I realized…

This is Cameron we’re talking about people!

I slowly realized this, I don’t know why it took so long, but I soon realized. He didn’t break up with me because he hates me. He didn’t break up with me because he didn’t like me, because it’s so fucking obvious that I can’t believe I didn’t realize the moment he said it!

Cameron doesn’t let people but into his life. He doesn’t kiss, hug, hold, or give away hand jobs! No, he wouldn’t do that and suddenly break it off. It isn’t like him in the least bit and he especially doesn’t laugh in front of others, but he did with me.

That is enough proof to say that what he did, he did out of care. He did it because we both knew what would have happened if he hadn’t.

I would be shunned, just like him. I would lose all my friends and possibly even my family, because I’m dating him. But…I don’t give a flying fuck.

Cameron is more important.

And that my friends is why I’ve come up with a devilishly good plan to get him back. Ok, so it isn’t really a plan. I’ve just kind of decided that I will stalk the boy until he gives in to my charm. I will put that plan into action today.

Knowing that Kylie and Steven are perfectly ok with Cameron and I is great. I thought that maybe they’d reject me because they always saw Cameron as a little iffy, but he is when you first meet him so I don’t blame them. But they weren’t.

Actually when I told them they didn’t seem shocked at all. Steven shrugged it off and Kylie giggled an “Yeah, we know.” I guess these two know more about me then I thought, which is ok with me.

I always knew I could count on them.

Readying myself for being bitched I, I take in a deep breath and exhale. Kylie pats my back, wishing me luck, Steven just laughs and tells me he’ll be at my funeral. Asshole.

Doing a Cameron move, I scoff, and inform them both that I’ll be just fine because it’s me and Cameron cannot resist all…this. Yes, cocky moment, but everyone has them.

Entering the hallway I see Dale in the corner of my eye and I grin. Perfect. He needs to see this. Said boy tries to speak to me, but I push him to the side, my eyes only concentrating on one thing or should I say one person, who is currently digging through his locker and not even realizing my presence until it’s too late.

Grabbing the boy I spin him around and press him against a row of lockers, because I know if I don’t he’ll run. Shocked blue eyes lock with my own and I smile reassuringly before crashing my lips against his own and I nearly moan because I haven’t felt this great in two days.

The hall fills with gasps and silence takes over everyone when I run my fingers through his hair. Cameron, who I thought would push away, didn’t and twisted his fingers into the fabric of my shirt, moaning the moment our tongues meet.

His mouth tastes just as sweet as I remember and I groan. Pressing my chest to his, I smile, and run my tongue across his own before sucking it into my mouth. Cameron grunts in response and runs that delicious wet muscle across every part of my mouth and when we’re both needing air we pull apart.

I don’t even care about the string of saliva that’s still attached to us, all that matters is the way Cameron’s blue eyes sparkle with excitement and that beautiful pink is once again on his cheeks all thanks to little old me.

And soon there are whispers from all around and some people even have the nerve to shout what they feel. I don’t care though because I’m preoccupied with the shocked look on Cameron’s features.

Blue orbs search my own dull brown ones for something, that he must not have found, because he punches me in the chest and scowls. “What the hell are you doing? Do you realize that you’re going to be in so much trouble now-”

“I don’t care-”

“But I do!” Well…that wasn’t expected, but it’s definitely appreciated. “I put up with enough shit everyday and you don’t need that so just…do as I tell you for once!”

“That wouldn’t be very Sage-like though, don’t cha think?” I chuckle, nuzzling my nose against his own. Although his eyes narrow, I know he likes it. “Come on babe, you know you missed me these two days. And we have tutoring tonight.”

Cameron flushes because we both remember what happened in the library last time.Hopefully it can happen again. It won’t though because we’ll go to his house or mine…if we go to mine it might happen. I grin at the mere thought, but Cameron literally slaps that thought away.

“Ow, what was the for?” I whine, rubbing my reddening cheek. But my whine turns into a content sigh when Cameron curls into my chest, his warmth radiating onto to me.

“Stop complaining,” he demands.

And maybe Dale cussed me out along with practically everyone else and maybe the teachers were being unusually big douche bags towards me because this school really isn’t ok with homosexuality, but in the end it was all worth it because I even got to hold Cameron’s hand down the hall way!

Yes, life is great.

Now if only he would smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Man, I am terrible at keeping these two apart
I just make them make up so easily! But it's because I love you all so much
I just got to!
Hehehe, hope this makes up for the sadness of last chapter
