

Cameron is sitting beside me with a soft smirk on his features. It’s enough to make me feel like I’m on cloud 9 because I know I’m the reason he’s like that and I hope that one day I’ll also be the reason he wakes up with a smile on his face.

Pulling to a stop at a red light I look over at the boy. He tilts his head to the side in curiosity, obviously waiting for me to say something, but I really didn’t plan on saying anything. I just wanted to look at him, because god he’s so beautiful and he’s all mine.

I can’t believe it’s been three months since we started “dating,” although we aren’t really “dating.” Neither of us asked the other out, but I am going to take a chance, because today I am going to do just that. Some may not believe me when I say this, but it’s absolutely true and if you don’t believe me then fuck you because your opinion doesn’t matter.

I love him. I love the way he smirks at me when I do something stupid. I love him scolding me when I fail a test, because it shows that he cares. I love the way he curls into me when we sleep, but pushes me away the moment he wakes up. I love his stubborn ways and how it’s a challenge just to talk him into holding my hand.

I love Cameron and everything about him. And I want us to be official because I don’t want him to one day drop me to the side of road like trash and leave me for someone better.

I want to be able to say that Cameron is my boyfriend and no one else can have him. And if anyone tries to take him from me I can fight them off and if they do take him away from me then I guess I’ll just have to kill them.

“Sage…the light’s green,” Cameron states, pointing to said object. I shake my head, breaking me from the daze and I can finally hear the honks behind me. Laughing, I say a ‘I knew that’ and Cameron rolls his eyes cutely and replies, “Sure you did.”

Grinning, I turn and go down the road until we reach a family owned restaurant that somehow made it up here called “On the Mon.” It’s called this because the first restaurant was built near a river nicknamed The Mon. It’s a nice place and I just thought it’d be a great for Cameron and I!

It has amazing food and the shrimp there tastes great and I know for a fact Cameron is a shrimp fan. I park the car and Cameron looks up at the place oddly because it looks odd. It’s built with white wood that is slightly chipped and there is fish nets, lines, and other things hanging off it.

“Never judge a book by its cover, Cameron,” I say to him, walking to his side and gripping his hand. I smile the moment he intertwines our fingers and sighs.

“Whatever. This place better not smell like fish.”

I chuckle at the way he wrinkles his nose in disgust. Shaking my head, I go inside and Cameron seems surprised. The inside is a lot better with dim lighting, brown, crimson, and gold colors. There’s the occasional fish tank located at the side and it’s really fun to look at, I must admit.

A waitress smiles at us and the moment she sees our hands, giggles, and takes us to a booth near the back where no one can bother us. I thank her and take a seat across from Cameron. The both of us order Pepsi and she hands us our menu’s so we can decide what we want.

“This is…weird,” Cameron comments after ordering the shrimp that I knew he’d get. Taking a sip of my pop I give him a questioning look, which he replies to. “It’s very…mm…lovey-dovey?”

Rolling my eyes, I reach my hand across the table for his. I’m slightly surprised that he didn’t pull away, because wasn’t he just complaining that this was “lovey-dovey”? I am happy though and sigh in relief on the inside. “What’s wrong with that?”

He’s at a loss for words, oh yeah I am freaking wicked! He likes it. I know he does, secretly, he really does. After sitting there talking about god knows what for about 20 minutes our food arrives. I drool just looking at it and the moment it’s in front of me I inhale it.

Of course, Cameron, eats with more manners than I do. He even insults me for eating like a ‘pig’ but I just stick my tongue at him, with food still on it. He grimaces and goes back to eating his food.

Even though the two of us finished eating an hour ago, we’re still here. The waitress hasn’t really bothered, just came by every now and then to refill our drinks, which I’m grateful for because it’s always fun just to sit around and talk to Cameron.

Sure he’s serious most of the time while I’m sitting here cracking jokes about puberty and sex, but still. We balance each other out perfectly. For us, the saying opposites attract is true.

Sighing, I place my head on my hand and stare at him. Cameron doesn’t notice until about five minutes later where he asks, “What are you staring at?”

“You,” I reply, which has his cheeks heating up with possibly embarrassment.

“Shut up.”

Taking in a deep breath I decide that it’s now or never. While Cameron is taking a drink I open my mouth to speak, “Cameron, I need to tell you something.”

He grunts to show that he’s listening. Biting my bottom lip I look through his deep blue eyes to see if there’s anything there that might say I shouldn’t do this. When I see nothing I smile and lean across the table to kiss him.

He leans in, applying just as much pressure as me. And our lips move in sync with each other and it’s just all so perfect, but I pull away before we get carried away because I know we will and then I’ll forget what I want to say.

Smiling, I look at Cameron, who is confused, and say, “I know that we practically are dating, but neither of us has asked each other, but I don’t want you to one day just drop me like trash. I want us to be official because I love you more than anything in this life and the next so…Cameron, I want you to be my boyfriend.”
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