

“I know that we practically are dating, but neither of us has asked each other, but I don’t want you to one day just drop me like trash. I want us to be official because I love you more than anything in this life and the next so…Cameron, I want you to be my boyfriend.”

This has to be why he’s been acting so weird, holding me so strangely. It has to be.

Staring over at the boy in complete and utter disbelief, I blink rapidly and ask myself, does he expect me to say something? Because in all honesty, I cannot.

Asking me out is one thing, but dropping the “L” bomb at the same time is another. Can’t he realize that this is too much for me to take in at a single moment in time? It’d take me weeks to fully comprehend what he just said because me and feelings just don’t mesh.

Biting my lip I realize that yes, I have to answer. But to be honest I don’t know how to answer. Yes, yes I know, stupid. I should just say yes, but at the same time if I do say yes doesn’t he expect me to say the L word too?

I haven’t even said I liked him yet, let alone lo…I can’t even say it in my head. Swallowing the rather large lump in my throat I manage to sputter out, “D-Don’t mess w-with me Sage.”

“I’m not messing with you,” he whines, grabbing my hands to hold them within his own. The feel of his fingers against mine is pure bliss and it’d be a complete lie if I said I don’t like Sage because…I do, I really do.

He may be annoying, loud, and slightly obnoxious. He may be terrible at school, not the smartest kid out there, but definitely the biggest idiot ever. But he’s Sage. He’s real and that’s what I really like about him. He’s just…Sage, and I like Sage.

“I understand if you don’t feel the same way. I don’t expect you to I just…want us to be together, officially. I want to be able to call you mine without asking myself if you really are mine.”

Hearing that makes my tense muscles relax and I let out a sigh of relief. Squeezing his hands in my own I chuckle and look down at our fingers. They’re intertwined, fitting perfectly, like pieces to one big giant puzzle. They’re a match and I can’t help but think, yeah, we were meant to be.

And it’s just so fucking cheesy, but true. I guess everyone needs a little cheese in their life, right?

Before I answer though I just…want to hear it again. So working up all the courage I have, I look up into his brown eyes, that I admit I adore very much, and demand. “Say it again.”

Tilting his head in confusion Sage asks, “What?”

“Say it again…how you feel about me.” Because I really do want to hear it.

All I ever heard thrown at me are cruel words of hatred. Sure, my father, my mother before she passed away, and my siblings tell me it all the time. They always tell me how much they love me, but that’s a different type of love. It’s family love, but it isn’t this kind of love.

The one shared only between two people and I admit, it feels great hearing Sage say it to me. Because no one ever has and all my life I’ve grown up thinking no one ever will. But Sage really is…different.

The boy smiles and closes the gap between us, pressing his plump lips against my own and it feels so amazing that I don’t bother letting him think about it.

I throw my arms around his neck and bring his lips closer. It’s a strange, odd, and uncomfortable kiss due to the table between us. It’s cutting into my chest, but really I’m ok with that because feeling his tongue running against my bottom lip is very distracting.

Opening my lips, I allow him entrance and he slips his tongue over my own. The wet muscles tangle, dance, and wrestle the other. Fighting to gain dominance and entrance into the others moist, wet cavern. And in the end, I win, and run across every crevice of his mouth, from the rough of his mouth, to the tip of his tongue and it tastes just like Sage.

With a mixture of his diner, but that’s all right.

I moan and tangle my fingers in his hair when his tongue invades my mouth. He really knows too much, because he goes for all my weak points. I whine every time he sucks my tongue into his mouth, or runs his own over the rough of my mouth.

When we pull apart we’re both a panting mess, but he’s smiling anyways as he says it against my lips. “I love you…I love you so much Cameron.”

I really didn’t mean to. Really, I was just going to answer him. I was planning on just telling him that yes I’ll be his boyfriend. But something in my mind just kind of slipped and I forgot about anything and everything.

My mothers death was no longer eating away at my gut. The stress of school was shoved into the back of my mind for another time. My father’s weird ways are forgotten and my siblings are thrown into a “I’ll look at this later” pile within my skull and all I can really see is Sage and his beautiful brown eyes.

I don’t think about it. I don’t even mean for it to happen. I don’t even know that it’s happened until Sage is looking at me with wide eyes, but even when he acknowledges it. Even when he runs his fingers across my cheek, caressing it with his fingers, I keep it there.


I run my fingers through his hair and yes, I smile. And my cheeks actually hurt because I haven’t done such an action in so long and I don’t think I’ve ever even smiled this large into my entire life, but I am now and it feels…

Kind of amazing. Kind of right.

I sigh and make a mental note to kill this boy later, because he’s making me act far too girly for my liking. But right now, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is us, and how completely perfect this is and how much I realized that I really do need Sage and his idiotic ways.

So laughing, I get out of the booth and jump in next to Sage. He’s smiling, I’m smiling, and it feels so right when I wrap my arms around his waist, burying my face in his chest, which is rising and falling in rhythm with my own.

And I press my ear against his chest, listening to the heart beat within. I smile and lean up, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw and finally reply.

“Idiot…I’ve been yours for some time now.”

Sage must be pleased with my answer because his hold on me tightens. And he’s frantically kissing me all across the face and neck. If this were another time I’d be bitching at him for it, but I simply giggle at the ticklish feeling he’s sending down my spine and sigh.

Because I know that this is just right and it’s a time that we both need to remember as the perfect occasion because that’s what it is.

And while Sage runs his hands up and down my spine and we press soft kisses against the others I can’t help but wish mom were here for her to see this. I know she’d be so proud, so happy that she’d probably throw a party and bake one big cake.

She’d squeal and take pictures. She’d hug me and tell me how much she loves me and how happy she is that I’ve find myself a nice guy.

But I guess…she can see us now, where ever she is. And I bet she’s smiling too.
♠ ♠ ♠
They're growing up so fast
And Cameron smiled! =O
