

To be honest when Sage asked me to stay over I was debating on saying no. Not because I don’t want to spend time with him, because I do actually enjoy his company. But because I know that his parents aren’t going to be there.

What immediately comes to mind when I think of alone time with Sage isn’t exactly appropriate. And if I’m thinking about that than I know he is too. And no, it’s not that I don’t want to do it…it’s just that I don’t know if we should.

I guess there isn’t a reason why we shouldn’t…so if Sage does make a move, I won’t stop him.And Sage does, in fact, make a move.

Walking into Sage’s room I slip off everything but my boxers. It’s already late and we have school tomorrow so I figured why not. And besides, we both have the same parts and Sage has already come to know said parts quite well so I didn’t think it’d bother anything.Actually, I knew it would and I was kind of hoping it would.

But it did, in fact, seem to bother Sage, because not even a second afterwards I felt two arms wrap around me from behind and something hard press against my back side. So he was thinking about the same thing I was…I guess it’s true, all boys think about is sex.

Smirking, I turn in his arms and wrap my own around his neck, bringing him down for a kiss. It’s slow at first, a simple lip to lip contact and that’s enough to satisfy me. But that sweet kiss turns rough in seconds and soon we’re both gripping onto each other, tongues battling.

I moan at the feel of his own wet muscle running over the grooves of my mouth. Mine goes to tangle itself with his own and I push past them to massage the insides of his cheeks. Grunting, Sage brings us closer together, our hips meeting suddenly.

Hissing, I pull away from the kiss, the friction of my boxers brushing against my hardening arousal was unexpected, but appreciated. Sage grins against my neck, where here’s currently nipping and sucking on the tender flesh.

His hands are going down, down, down, until they reach my ass. He uses his hold to lift me off the ground and out of reaction my legs wrap around his waist and I hiss out, “Hell no.”

He chuckles but soon drops me to the bed, his hands never leaving my ass. Before I have time to protest about how there is no way I’m going to be bottom, he’s taking my nipple between his teeth. At an abnormally hard suck I whine and grab hold of his shoulders, gripping onto them tightly while he sucks on the hardening appendages.

His hands kneed my ass and fuck, it feels so good. I can feel the hot fire running through my veins. The pleasure eating away at my stomach and we haven’t even been at it for more than 15 minutes. I grind ruthlessly into his stomach. Sage moves from one nipple to the other, giving it the same amazing treatment and I groan, tossing my head back into the sheets. My eyes flutter open and I realize that Sage is still fully clothed. That is a big no-no.

“Clothes,” I growl, catching his attention. He pulls his mouth away from my nipple and I have to bite my lip to keep myself from complaining. “Clothes. Off.”

Sage smirks, but nods and easily slips his shirt over his head. I run my hands up his tone chest, reaching his nipples in no time. He grunts and tries to work on removing his jeans while I play with the nubs between my fingers, loving the way he’d moan or bite his lip when I did something he really liked.

Sage’s pants are removed, to my gratification, and he’s once again lying on top of me. He brings his hips down on my own, grinding me roughly into the bed, I won’t be surprised if there’s a dent there in the morning. His hands are gripping my hips to keep up the pace.

He’s breathing against my neck, the air tickling my ears. And his fingers are drawing circles against my hips while mine dig into the skin of his back. And it’s so hot and I can feel the heat in my stomach, coiling and I’m so fucking close, but just not quite there.

My toes are curling and heels digging into the mattress. Teeth are tugging at my neck, nipping and biting. I grunt and send an unusually hard thrust upwards against his own. And the heat, the jolt that is sent through my veins is enough to make my eyes roll into the back of my skull.

My fingers crawl down his back, reaching the elastic band of his boxers. I tug at them, signaling that I want them gone, because right now clothing is not needed or appreciated. Sage and I both groan at the loss of contact and we quickly remove the last article of clothing. When it’s finally gone, Sage looks me from head to toe. Licking his lips, he looks me in the eye and I can practically hear his question.

Is this what you really want?

Nodding, I throw my arms around his waist, pulling him back into me. We both groan the moment our dicks rub against each other. The room suddenly feels ten degree’s hotter. We’re both covered with sweat, our hair sticking to our foreheads, but the taste of his skin is still so sweet. I gasp for air and nip at his exposed throat, which is looking far too tempting at the moment, but quickly nod because yes, I definitely want this.

But when I feel something wet rubbing somewhere it shouldn’t my eyes shoot open in shock. Shoving Sage aside I slam my ass into the mattress and growl, “Fuck no.”

Sage is looking at me with a “you’re kidding” expression before asking, “But I thought-”

“I am not bottom!” I holler and I don’t know what it is, but Sage finds something about what I say funny. He laughs aloud and I glare at him because this is serious. There is no fucking way I’m bottom.

“Really? So you want to top?” He asks, crawling over to me in a way that is far too seductive to be considered healthy. That hungry look in his eye and the way his arousal sticks out so prominently makes me question if being bottom really would be ok…“So, are you going to be the one to prepare me?”

He holds up three fingers, wiggling them for emphasis and I can’t help but think that either way I’ll be embarrassed, but right now, with the way Sage is towering over me, his hips rubbing against my own in ways that makes my pride slowly curl into a corner and die, I’m starting to think that bottom sounds good.

“N-No,” I reply and with a smirk, it’s settled and I grunt the moment he places one finger inside me. I squirm uncomfortably beneath him and when he puts in a second I bite my lip to keep back any noises of pain.

Sage suddenly grips my cock and soon my attention is only on the way his slim digits work up my shaft. How his thumb runs over my slit, teasing it, and his palm using the pre cum as lubricant to create faster movements. I moan with pleasure and thrust up into his hand. In doing so, pushing his digits into me farther.

And that’s when the pain suddenly turns to pleasure. I cry out the moment I feel him hit something strange. Sage smirks above me and curls his fingers, hitting it again. I whine and throw my arms around him, burying my face in his chest as I beg, “R-Right there…S-Sage, oh god, right t-there.”

He nods and I wait for that unbelievable pleasure to feel me again, but instead I feel something much larger inside me and I curse. My spine is burning and I glare up at Sage, who I really want to slaughter right now, but the way my dick is dripping with an embarrassingly large amount of pre cum and we’re both a panting mess, I think it’d be a bad idea to stop.

So I bite my tongue and groan at the feel of his dick sliding in and out of me slowly. I don’t care if I’m leaving marks on his back, that dick deserves it. Sage continues to slowly thrust in and out, trying out new angles until finally after what felt like an eternity he hits that.

I scream out in pure ecstasy. My fingers curling into dark locks I beg for more and I know letter I’ll scold myself for this, but when Sage grunts in response and thrust mercilessly inside me, hitting my prostate over and over again I don’t really give a damn.

All that matters is the unbelievable pleasure coursing through my veins. All that matters is that feeling of someone inside me, filling me to the very core. And the sound of skin slapping against skin, grunts and moans, plea’s and cries, it’s all that matters.

Sage places sloppy kisses all across my neck. His movements are becoming jerky and so are my own. My dick is so hard that it’s nearly unbelievable. And when Sage wraps his fingers around me, teasing my head, I lose it, screaming something that my brain can’t understand because I’m too busy drowning in this ecstasy, this pleasure that only Sage can give me.

Said boy is still ruthlessly pounding into me, the bed squeaking and rocking with the force. His fingers grip my thighs and I know he’s holding back, but fuck I don’t care because every time his dick goes deeper inside me I feel better and scream louder.

But sadly, his movements come to a stop after he grunts my name, kissing me as he unloads himself inside me. And he continues to ride out his orgasm by slowly thrusting into he’s all out of energy and we fall back onto the bed a mess of limbs.

My eyes roll into the back of my head and I hold onto Sage who is still panting against my throat. Smiling, I kiss his damp hair and before he can tell me anything, I’m out like a light.

I guess being bottom isn’t so bad…we’re definitely doing that again.
♠ ♠ ♠
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