

I watch the boy stomp out of class, obviously pissed off at me, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop trying. I had a feeling he’d say no if I asked him to come over…actually I practically knew he’d say no because he’s stubborn and this isn’t going to be easy.

But I have another idea, a better idea that I kept in store just in case of this reaction. I grin at my pure genius and head to Mr. Randson’s class. When he see’s me in his door way he smiles and asks, “Sage, can I help you with something?”

“Yeah, actually I need to talk to you!” I reply and scurry over to a desk where I hop up and take a seat. Mr. Randson leans back on his desk and waits patiently for me to speak.

“We both know I’m an idiot-”

“You are not an idiot.”

“So I’ve been thinking since I’m nearly failing my math, science, and English class that maybe I need a student tutor.” Oh yes, my idea is amazing.

“Really? I’m surprised you asked for someone who would force you to study,” Mr. Randson laughs, but he has no idea what my real intentions are so of course he would. “Well, we have a lot of students who could-”

“I want Cameron to teach me.”

Mr. Randson looks back at me with wide eyes. He blinks multiple times before sighing, “Cameron? Why him?”

“Why not?” Is my oh so brilliant reply. “He’s the smartest kid in our school. He got in here by grades alone. If anyone can get my brain to function properly it’s him don’t you think?” Yes Sage, keep talking, takl him into it!

He crosses his arms and goes into thought for a moment or two. Finally he nods his head in agreement and mentally I pump my fist. “I guess you’re right. I’ll have the principal give him a call. I’m sure he’ll do it.”

“Awesome, thanks so much Mr. Randson!” And people call me stupid? Now you got to admit that was a pretty damn good idea! This way no matter what Cameron and I will have to hang out and I can possibly become his friend.

He won’t say no. I know he won’t. Tutoring will look great on a resume to college and schooling is all he really thinks about. This is great!


“You seem far too happy…”

“Is it wrong for your son to be pleased?”

“No, it’s just wrong when you look like that.

I roll my eyes and grin childishly at my mother. She gives me one of those ‘what did you do’ looks and I just shrug my shoulders in response. If I told her I tricked Cameron into spending time with me she’ll freak. So for now I shall be silent, silent like a ninja…Pow pow!

I skip up to my room and glare at the gigantic bag full of books. Homework, homework, homework, why do we have so much? I do not understand, at all! Shouldn’t all school work happen in school? That way if I don’t understand the teacher can help me before I go home and mess up…

I guess this “tutoring” thing with Cameron is a very good idea. I really do need tutoring because I’m failing. The fact that it’ll be with Cameron is just a huge bonus.

One that I’m sure I will enjoy very much.

As the night rolls on I realize that it’s really hopeless. There is absolutely on way that I will manage to finish this homework tonight so I toss it away and go to playing video games, something that I am actually good at.

Shocker there!

And the night rolls on until it’s time to go to sleep. When I wake up the next day I am full of excitement and anticipation. Today Mr. Randson will talk to Cameron about the tutoring? Or maybe he did yesterday?

I get all jittery just thinking about it. Finally, I’ll have my chance to find out the many secrets of Cameron! It’s like one of those mystery shows. One man, strong, independent, and courageous. The second man, mysterious, cold, and intelligent. Who will win in this battle to do the death?

Oh my, there is obviously something wrong with me…maybe I should see that therapist like mom suggested? But then I’d have to pay for it…hmmm…decisions, decisions.

“Good morning.”

I yawn. “Morning mommy.”

My mother smiles kindly at me, while my father does not. He sits at the table, coffee on the table, and newspaper in his hand. It’s the typical cliché image, but there’s one problem. Instead of the father loving his son, it’s his father despising his son with a bloody passion.

I’m ok with that though. He’s a douche and I don’t want him to bother me anyway. Breakfast goes by with just my mother and I talking about silly things while father reads his stupid newspaper. When it’s finally time for me to go I kiss my mother good-bye and grab my things.

“Have a good day at school Sage!”

“You bet your sweet bottom I will!”

I drive quickly to school. After all, this could be the day I finally get a hold of Cameron. Who wouldn’t be excited?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sage is a sneaky little child isn't he? ;D
